Monday, December 30, 2019
The Tragedy Of Julius Caesar - 859 Words
The play the Tragedy of Julius Caesar was written and produced by one of the most famous play writers in history, William Shakespeare. The play started with the controversy over Caesar and his power as the roman emperor. Cassius one of the senators for Rome had suspicion over Caesar over the thought of him becoming a dictator for having too much power. Brutus his best friend was convinced later on by Cassius, who sneaked false letters of the roman citizen about Caesar’s power and ambition. This resulted in Brutus stabbing his best friend and ruler, this caused chaos in the streets of Rome coming to Brutus’ death. Shakespeare explains how Brutus is the tragic hero with literary terms such as metaphors and Blank. Some people may say that Caesar is the tragic hero, but his ambitions and ego get in the way of doing what’s best for Rome, so some people may say otherwise. An example of Caesar’s ego is when he said, â€Å" I am constant as the Northern Starà ¢â‚¬ , this means that Caesar believes that he is so important that everything revolves around him. This also means that he can’t be moved and he thinks his choice is right and doesn’t want to hear anyone else out. An example of Caesar’s ambition is saying, â€Å" Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look. He thinks too much: such men are dangerous†, this shows how he fears the educated, the ones who will act out when Caesar tries to become the dictator. He resents people who will stop his fame and glory, the ones who grow withShow MoreRelatedThe Tragedy Of Julius Caesar1050 Words  | 5 Pagesonce said â€Å"The pen is mightier than the sword.†I agree wholeheartedly with this statement. Evidence that supports this claim can be found in both Shakespeare’s play â€Å"The Tragedy of Julius Caesar†and in the modern day example of Malala Yousafzai. In Julius Caesar, Mark Antony uses words to convince the citizens of Rome that Caesar w as a successful leader and not someone they should celebrate the death of. Also, the conspirators use words to convince Brutus to join their cause. Without Brutus, theRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Julius Caesar1507 Words  | 7 Pagesthan likely to be conveyed and persuaded into believing or investing in the speaker’s words. As a result, the speaker is then able to incorporate a deeper effect on the listener, and conduct various long lasting outcomes. In the play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Antony is able to create a greater effect and convince the crowd of his beliefs by focusing on all aspects of a sturdy speech. One of the many important objectives of a speaker is to portray credibility and trustworthiness. The use ofRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Julius Caesar1483 Words  | 6 PagesThe Tragedy of Julius Caesar has catastrophe in more characters than just Caesar. William Shakespeare presented Marcus Brutus in a way that closely followed the example of a tragic hero. Brutus came from noble birth, had a fatal flaw, suffered a great tragedy. Brutus also fits into Shakespeare’s variation of tragic heroes, by giving Brutus complexity, internal conflict, and using choice over fate. Brutus’ ultimate goal is fulfilled by in part by his actions. Brutus thought his cause to be honorableRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Julius Caesar867 Words  | 4 PagesThe Tragedy Of Julius Caesar The Tragedy Of Julius Caesar, written by William Shakespeare, is a perfect tragedy, showing both â€Å"pity†and â€Å"fear†, as well as not â€Å"possess[ing] no single tragic quality†(Aristotle). Throughout the play, betrayal and corruption are seen, filling the play with other tragic qualities. Out of all the characters in the play, the most complex is Brutus. Brutus, being one of the conspirators behind the death of his good friend Caesar, takes his place as the stories tragicRead MoreThe Tragedy of Julius Caesar2000 Words  | 8 PagesThe Tragedy of Julius Caesar, manipulative language acts prominently between the characters. Brutus struggles to decide if the safety of the Roman Republic appears more important than his friendship with Julius Caesar. Cassius tries to persuade him to join the conspiracy that decides to kill Caesar. Envious of Julius Caesar’s power, the Senators believes that when Caesar becomes ruler, the change of government forev er affects Rome. Brutus agrees that it seems for the best of Rome for Caesar neverRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Julius Caesar1043 Words  | 5 Pagesthe greatest writer of all time, revealed critical opinions about the events during his time period in his plays. In one of Shakespeare’s greatest works, Julius Caesar, he illustrated the tragedy of Caesar back in ancient Rome in 44 B.C. While Brutus and Cassius acted as conspirators, or the antagonists, they planned the assassination of Caesar. Deciding wrongly on doing for the good of Rome, Brutus indeed paid his good intentions. Assuredly, Brutus’s three fatal mistakes could be listed in orderRead MoreLiterary Analysis of the Tragedy of Julius Caesar773 Words  | 4 PagesLiterary Analysis of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar William Shakespeare wrote his play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, so that his readers could have an idea of the lives, wars, and conflicts during the roman times. Shakespeare may have written the play because of his interest in history. He studied the writings of the historian Plutarch, who was alive at the same time as Caesar and wrote about his life. He also needed a job and money, and he had a fear of Queen Elizabeth dying. Shakespeare lovedRead MoreAnalysis Of Brutus In The Tragedy Of Julius Caesar1147 Words  | 5 Pagescareful when it comes to trust because people change so quickly. A prime example of this is a character named Brutus in William Shakespeares The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. In this play the noble Brutus is persuaded by a group of conspirators that Julius Caesar, a friend of Brutus, should be killed before he is crowned the king. Following the death of Caesar, Brutus speaks out to the people of Rome. He left his speech feeling extremely confident, but soon came to find an angry city upset by the deathRead MoreJulius Caesar and Other Shakespearian Tragedies810 Words  | 3 PagesShakespearian tragedies usually have a wel l-defined tragic hero. According to Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, a tragic hero is a character of high rank and nobility, exhibits a tragic flaw, and recognizes how his actions led to his eventual downfall. William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Julius Caesar incited a century old argument over who really deserves the title of â€Å"The Tragic Hero.†Many argue that Caesar is the tragic hero. However, I believe that Brutus should hold the title of tragic heroRead MoreThe Contributions of The Women of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar891 Words  | 4 PagesIn a cast of over 30 characters, there are only two women. This is a statement describing the world renown play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare. These two female characters are Calpurnia, the wife of Julius Ceasar, and Portia, the wife of Marcus Brutus. Other than these two women, the cast is composed entirely of male characters. In a work of literature so populated by men, one may ask why Shakespear e takes the time to include any women at all. However, after further reflection
Sunday, December 22, 2019
What Coaches And Trainers Need - 930 Words
What Coaches and Trainers Need to Know: What is a Disability? As the fitness industry continues to evolve, there are new challenges coaches and trainers are constantly faced with that they need to be able to learn about in order to adapt accordingly. As the population begins to slowly become more and more health-conscious, there are a variety of populations that participate in exercise--- but for some, there is greater difficulty than others. People with disabilities make up one of the largest populations in the United States, with over 50 million people reporting some form of disability (3). When the fitness professional thinks of the term disability, it is important to realize that the term reaches far beyond the realm of just physical disability that many people think of. A disability is defined by any physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, such as speaking, walking, caring for oneself, hearing, learning, concentrating, as well as limitations in the function of the respiratory, endocrine, i mmune, or reproductive systems (7). Disabilities can occur in a number of different forms including: amputations, spinal cord lesions and injuries (i.e., spina bifida), traumatic brain injuries (i.e., stroke), neuromuscular limitations (i.e., Parkinson’s), cognitive (i.e. Down syndrome), musculoskeletal (i.e., arthritis) communication (vison) medical (i.e., cancer), cardiac (i.e., CVD) and pulmonary (i.e., COPD), disorders. Every oneShow MoreRelatedWhy Athletes Should Not Be Banned Essay1233 Words  | 5 Pageswith concussions often cannot remember what happened immediately before or after the injury and may act confused. A concussion can affect memory, judgment, reflexes, speech, balance and muscle coordination (1). Determining whether an athlete has a concussion and is able to return to play is the job of athletic trainers and team physicians, who are charged with keeping players out of harm s way. Since their specialty is sport-related injuries, an athletic trainer, in general, will know as much, if notRead MoreTraining the Female Athlete Essay632 Words  | 3 Pagesfemale athlete. Diane explains that as trainers and coaches that we need to recognize with men and female athletes that we are seeing specific trends with female athletes that we need to do a better job at recognizing. The evidence is that the females are lacking certain performance activities and more importantly that there are a tremendous amount of injuries in female athletes. The research is back this up and it also shows that as coaches and trainers – there are no improvements to these casesRead MoreCreating A Crisis Management Plan For Mentorship Academy Athletic Department1476 Words  | 6 Pagesathletes, coaches and spectators. Although every sport have a different safety need as it pertains to facilities. That’s why it is important for facilities to have an inspection before the spectators are allowed in the venue. Coaches must also be aware of the athletics health when it pertains to heat exhaustion. Coaches also have a duty to protect the students from injury with th e proper equipment. If there is a sport that has a greater risk of injury the then there should be a higher need for equipmentRead MoreThe Argument Of Football Safety1401 Words  | 6 Pagesa bit dangerous, football can have many benefits to the athlete as a whole. If played correctly, athletes can benefit from football by increasing their fitness, confidence, and teamwork qualities. Football is not a dangerous sport if athletes and coaches utilize basic safety principles including tackling skills, adequate hydration, and concussion awareness. Practicing the correct tackling skills will decrease injuries throughout an athlete s career. According to Palmer, â€Å"football players that practicedRead MoreThe Effects Of Concussions On Youth And High School Football1461 Words  | 6 Pagesaround the country, there is an obvious need for them to inform their players of the risks involved. The athletes have to take into account the risk of playing football and whether or not they want to assume that risk. The HRF shows the actual risk of an athlete receiving a concussion in football in one season, showing, â€Å"The chances of a youth football athlete suffering a concussion over the course of 1 season: 75%†( But, with medical personnel and trainers, athletes can be spared increased riskRead MoreConcussions On High School Football1208 Words  | 5 Pagesoff towards the sideline feeling a little woozy (Gregory 34). Two plays later he felt good enough to return to the game and did so (Gregory 34). His team h uddled up, and that is when it happened (Gregory 34). Chad collapsed, and when the medical trainers got to him his eyes were closed and he was unresponsive (Gregory 34). They rushed him to the hospital where he was diagnosed with severe brain trauma (Gregory 34). Five days later Chad passed away from complications from severe brain trauma (GregoryRead More4 Steps to Sales Training Getting Roi982 Words  | 4 Pagesreinforce this by showing that above-average coaches deliver 20% more sales. The challenge is that sales coaching is the weakest-performing activity among managers. Before you invest $1 in training you need to find out how effective your sales managers are at coaching in order to maximise your sales training investment. In fact if you only had $1 to invest I would suggest that you would get the biggest ROI on training your sales managers to be great coaches. Not only will you get better sales resultsRead More4 Steps to Sales Training Getting Roi993 Words  | 4 Pagesreinforce this by showing that above-average coaches deliver 20% more sales. The challenge is that sales coaching is the weakest-performing activity among managers. Before you invest $1 in training you need to find out how effective your sales managers are at coaching in order to maximise your sales training investment. In fact if you only had $1 to invest I would suggest that you would get the biggest ROI on training your sales managers to be great coaches. Not only will you get better sales resultsRead MoreCoaching Vs. Private Development Essay1584 Words  | 7 PagesThe word work in itself is non-specific as regards United Nations agency will it, to whom, in what state of affairs, and by what arrangement. Coaching could talk over with completely different things, notably either: Coaching among organizations, aboard or equalization to coaching and mentoring, and Coaching outside of organizations, as non-public private service, usually delivered by freelance coaches, or little corporations. Coaching could talk over with differing types of non-public developmentRead MoreTreat Injuries For Female Athletes Essay1467 Words  | 6 Pagesthemselves and take the time to learn and research about these injuries. When the coaches take the time to research and look into this ongoing issue in the female athletics realm, there will be a huge difference in how the players train and practice. The reason for the change in how the players train and practice is because the athlete will learn the proper way to run and jump so they will not get hurt. Female athletes need to be informed when they reach high school that the risk of getting injured is
Saturday, December 14, 2019
The Other Wes Moore Free Essays
The Other Wes Moore’s Profile Essay A person’s success or failure can be determined by their environment, education, choices; a number of different things. The autobiography The Other Wes Moore takes a look at two boys with the same name and eerily similar circumstances who end up in very different places in life. Wes Moore spoke at convocation about his book and what he hoped that people would get from it. We will write a custom essay sample on The Other Wes Moore or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the book he says â€Å"The chilling truth is that his story could have been mine. The tragedy is that my story could have been his. (Moore xi). These two men didn’t share the same fate because they each made a choice about what they wanted their life to become. The book truly demonstrates how the choices you make, make you. One Wes Moore showed that you can make the decision to not be a product of your environment or any other situation, and go on to be very successful in life. The way a person is shaped and guided in their developmental years does undoubtedly play a huge role in the type of person they will become people. A lot of elements come into play that helps to determine a person’s success or failure but at the end of the day the most important factor is a person’s choices. Whether those choices were made due to sways from the environment, education or influences is completely dependent on oneself. All people are accountable to themselves and in turn for their successes or failures. Environment can play a big part. Studies have proven that children in areas of poverty are far less likely to outperform students in affluent neighborhoods, but is that an excuse? The author Wes Moore and the imprisoned Wes Moore faced almost identical environmental challenges. The differences that landed these two on opposite ends of the spectrum were personal choices. Wes Moore decided to straighten up and do what not only his family wanted for him, but what he wanted for himself. He made the choice to not become a victim of circumstance while the other did not. Choices on education are also a major deciding factor on success and failure. Victor Hugo once said, â€Å"He who opens a school door, closes a prison. This speaks volumes to the occurrences in both Wes Moore’s lives. The author Wes Moore went off to military school where negative environmental influences were cut off and he was able to receive an education, which he himself considers a turning point in his life. His entire atmosphere and the dynamics of the schools he was accustomed to were altered. Although he attempted to run away several times, there was a point after speaking with his mo ther that he made the decision to stop running and embrace the experience and it helped make him the person he is today. The imprisoned Moore dropped out of school and like the overwhelming majority of African American male drop outs, ended up in the system. While the imprisoned Wes may have not had access to private or military schools, he could have finished school and decided to make an honest living. Later in his life he did decided to earn a GED and learn a trade, but he didn’t make the decision to dedicate himself to turning his life around and as soon as things got difficult turned back to what he knew instead of taking path toward something more positive. He gained mentors working under Mayor Kurt Schmoke of Baltimore, and a friend in his former Captain, Ty Hill at the military school. His decision to pursue a life full of criminal activity was his alone. The way parents and mentors influence choices are also very important. While Wes’ (the author) parents opting out of public schools and sending him to private and military institutions undoubtedly aided in his success, he also could have protested and chose not to learn anything from the opportunities presented to him, but he didn’t. He took full advantage of the opportunity presented to him. Imprisoned Wes Moore also had people who wanted the best for him. He had the opportunity to graduate from high school and take control of his own life. He chose not to listen to his mother or brother, Tony. No mother wants to see her child go down the path he did. Even his brother, who himself was involved in the drug game did not want his little brother to be a part of that. He even got into a physical fight with Moore when he found out he was selling drugs, but there came a point when Tony realized you cannot want something for someone they don’t want for themself. He desperately wanted to keep his brother off his path but when he understood his attempts fell on deaf ears he told him â€Å"If you won’t listen, that’s on you. You have potential to do so much more, go so much further. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink, right? †(Moore 71). His brother knew it was Wes’ decision, and at some point you have to take responsibility for yourself. Many people are afforded opportunities and blessing that guide them on the path of success but the truth of the world is you are the only one responsible for you. Your own choices decide your fate. Other factors are undeniably critical but they do not determine whether you will or not will be successful in life. These two men demonstrate that you decide your own destiny. The author Wes Moore became a commissioned officer from Valley Forge Military College, graduate from Johns Hopkins University, became a Rhodes Scholar, a Captain in the United States Army, businessman, and a White House Fellow under Condoleezza Rice. He has so many accomplishments while the other Wes is serving a life sentence for felony murder. That is just a testament to the fact that no one can stand in a person’s way of achievement but themself. Works Cited Moore, Wes. The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates. New York: Spiegel Grau, 2010. Print. â€Å"Popular Quotes: The Meaning an History behind â€Å"He Who Opens a School Door, Closes a Prison. â€Å"† BookBrowse. com. N. p. , n. d. Web. 21 Sept. 2012. http://www. bookbrowse. com/quotes/detail/index. cfm? quote_number=247. How to cite The Other Wes Moore, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Enterprise Rent a Car free essay sample
The first market was the replacement market that targeted towards local customers in the Enterprise neighbourhood locations who needed rental cars as replacements while their cars were being serviced. Enterprise employees would often visit the referral sources such as the insurance agents and auto mechanics with gifts, thereby establishing a personal relationship between the local Enterprise branch and the referral source. Creating this environment of good will encouraged agents and body shop workers to continue to recommend Enterprise over other companies. Additionally, Enterprise rental rates were lower then rates of comparable rental companies due to location of its branch offices. Contrary to the normal practice, Enterprise had locations in the city and suburban areas instead of locating close to the airport. Although this may at first seem counterproductive, having these locations actually aided Enterprise substantially. The cost of property near the airport was much higher then property in more localized city areas. We will write a custom essay sample on Enterprise Rent a Car or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Enterprise would pass the savings from property and rent onto the customer, and was therefore able to offer lower rates with comparable or greater service. Careful maintenance of the rental cars allowed Enterprise to keep its rental cars for longer then standard for airport rental companies. The low turnover rate of vehicles generated savings for Enterprise, which was then passed to the customer in the form of lower rates. By running efficient operations with an emphasis on the personal relationships between businesses, Enterprise was able to differentiate itself from a crowded market as well as capture a large customer base previously untapped by airport rental companies. Another market that Enterprise was able to tap into was the â€Å"discretionary†or â€Å"leisure/vacation†sector. Many customers began renting cars for vacation purposes, whether it be a visiting relative or friend who required a vehicle, or a family who would rent a car for use instead of the family car. Local branches aided enormously in this area, making the process of renting a car a quick and convenient process. Finally, an important aspect of Enterprise’s business was the local corporate market. They began to offer vehicles to businesses. Economically, renting a vehicle for occasional use made more sense then owning and maintaining the same vehicle for a business. In this way Enterprise was able to offer entire fleets to business at lower cost, resulting in a win-win situation for both parties. In the same way, collages and universities turned to Enterprise for rental of large vehicles for functions such as sports teams or trips. By focusing on providing excellent customer service at low cost, Enterprise grew by its referral sources and word of mouth advertising. Enterprise became known for these qualities for business requiring rental car services. However, Enterprise now faces the challenge to grow against the fierce competition without losing its focus and corporate culture. -0 SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS The situation Enterprise faces is not uncommon in the business industry. None the less, it is important to understand the needs of the company and tailor a specific strategy towards it. Currently, Enterprise has two main customer bases: the individual customer, and business/organizations. The individual customer can be categorized based on their particular need: rental during automobile repair or for leisure/vacation. The people in both of these categories, although renting for different needs, will share many common characteristics. These customers value both low cost and excellent customer service. Providing both generates both branch loyalty and advertisement through word of mouth. On the other hand, business require the same service but on a much larger scale. Cost is the primary factor in the decision to outsource their entire transportation to a rental company. In this situation, businesses seek excellent service that integrates with their own operation successfully as well. By providing this service without disrupting their business dealings, companies are able to lower their costs by eliminating the ownership and maintenance costs of their own vehicles. Lack of brand awareness by public who have never used this type of service before †¢Inability to attract qualified college graduates †¢Lack of awareness about pick up service and localized offices †¢Lack of advertising resulting in reliance on word-of-mouth referral sources OPPORTUNITIES †¢Opportunity to fuel growth by attracting highly qualified college graduates †¢Addititional markets to tap in the car-rental business †¢Growing car rental market †¢Main market segment (replacement market) growing Strong financial base provides opportunities to expand business THREATS †¢Lack of brand image resulting in lower college graduate applicants and consumers †¢Increasing competition in home-city market from other companies †¢Negative image about working for a car rental company †¢Low brand awareness resulting in lower consumers/customer loyalty 2-2 CUSTOMER ANALYSIS Presently, Enterprise relies on its word of mouth advertising and excelle nt customer service for a large part of its business, with its target consumer as those who need a rental car for work, leisure, and repair.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Summary of El Coronel No Tiene Le Escriba (Not Mine) Essay Example
Summary of El Coronel No Tiene Le Escriba (Not Mine) Paper Summary of the work by chapters. The colonel one writes, is a work that consists of seven chapters separated by a white typo. In this paper, I will stop for a brief summary of each chapter. First, the Colonel wakes up and discovers that coffee is not enough for breakfast and have to attend a funeral, which the colonel is the first natural death that they have in years. His wife affected by asthma has long been not leave the house. Colonel down to the place where you wait for the funeral. Its raining, always raining in October, causing discomfort to the Colonel. Second, the Colonel has a cock that is a legacy of her son Augustine, who was killed in January in the cockpit for spreading information secret. The common people believed to be the best cock in town. The Colonel tries to take care and keep well for upcoming fights although his wife is totally disagrees to keep this rooster. Every Friday, the colonel down to the dock waiting for the mail boat that will bring a letter from your pension. The colonel waited for more than fifteen years without losing hope. The doctor, like every Friday, get the papers and write their own newsletter, clandestinely circulated it among men of the village. Colonel takes the papers home, read them at night and returns to the doctor in the morning. At seven oclock in the afternoon in the village heard the chimes of film censorship, Father Angel uses this medium to give the classification of the film. Third, the economic situation is terrible colonel, because of complaints from women about this, the colonel replied that it will soon mail arrives but hoped the letter away. We will write a custom essay sample on Summary of El Coronel No Tiene Le Escriba (Not Mine) specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Summary of El Coronel No Tiene Le Escriba (Not Mine) specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Summary of El Coronel No Tiene Le Escriba (Not Mine) specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Augustines colleagues say with joy over the victory of the rooster. Colonel down to the village again waiting for the letter, but in vain, the letter arrives, and the manager replied that he has no one writes. The colonel, on the advice of his wife, decides to change his lawyer. Fourth quarter sequence starts with the writing of a letter Colonel announces the change of counsel. Still raining in the village, the colonel and his wife without anything to eat. On November 2 the woman takes flowers to the grave of her son Augustine, she is still suffering from asthma. Colonel sacrifices for their own food and his wife to throw it to the cock. Finally, co-commissioned Augustine to feed this animal. Fifth: Don Sabas advised the colonel to sell the cock and can receive up to nine hundred dollars and also would remove a lot of trouble from him. Colonel question in the office post for your letter unanswered. Then the Colonel returns home with his wife and decides to go to offer condolences to the house of the dead. The woman went to apply for a loan on the rings of marriage Father Angel, but he replies that it is sin to negotiate with sacred things. After this alarming situation, the Colonel decided to sell the cock to Don Sabas. Sixth: Colonel goes to the office of Don Sabas with the decision to sell the cock. After many hours of waiting, Don Sabas appears but does not realize the presence of the colonel. Colonel returns home with bad news, he tells his wife and she, you are advised to be much more decisive with Don Sabas. Colonel Don Sabas again and it gives you four hundred dollars for the cock and also offers a preview of sixty dollars until the rooster sold manage theaccounts . Seventh, the colonel and his wife wake up one morning with joy and feel good, now have food and even new shoes for the colonel with the money they forward Don Sabas. One day, when the Colonel is going to the post office waiting for the letter, recalled the day of the training and, upon entering the cockpit, Colonel saw his cock and notes that this animal is more than economic represents the solidarity of the people and their freedom , as it produces (the rooster) an emotion as the colonel had much time had something so alive in his hands like that rooster. Still, the colonel decided to retain and keep that cock and spend another time waiting for the letter, while his wife complains about the bad economic situation. The play ends with a final dramatic word fuck is a response to the question of Colonel of his wife, What do we eat? . This response may be an indication of the desperate situation of the colonel and his wife.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Honoring Architect I.M. Pei and the Glass Pyramid
Honoring Architect I.M. Pei and the Glass Pyramid Architect Ieoh Ming Pei (born April 26, 1917 in Canton, China) is known for using large, abstract forms and sharp, geometric designs. His glass-clad structures seem to spring from the high-tech modernist movement. In the U.S. Pei is popularly known for designing the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Ohio. Winner of the 1983 Pritzker Architecture Prize, Pei is more concerned with function than theory - his writings are few. His works often incorporate traditional Chinese symbols and building traditions. In Chinese, Ieoh Ming means to inscribe brightly. The name Peis parents gave him proved prophetic. Over a decades long career, Ieoh Ming Pei has designed more than fifty buildings around the world, ranging from industrial skyscrapers and important museums to low income housing. Fast Facts: I.M. Pei Occupation: ArchitectAlso Known As: Ieoh Ming PeiBorn: April 26, 1917 in Canton, now Guangzhou, ChinaParents: Lien Kwun and Tsuyee Pei, banker and financier at the Bank of ChinaEducation: B.Arch. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1940), M.Arch. Harvard Graduate School of Design (1946)Key Accomplishments: 1983 Pritzker Architecture Prize, Designer of Modern Architecture such as the Louvre Pyramid (1989) in Paris and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum (1995) in OhioSpouse: Eileen LooChildren: Three sons, T’ing Chung (T’ing), Chien Chung (Didi), and Li Chung (Sandi), and one daughter, LianeFun Fact: Pei overstayed his student visa after graduating from MIT but became an American citizen in 1954 Early Years Marriage Pei grew up in privilege - his father was a prominent banker - and graduated from prestigious Anglican schools in Shanghai. With a student visa in hand, the young Pei arrived at Angel Island Immigration Station in San Francisco, California on August 28, 1935. His plan was to study at the University of Pennsylvania, but he found a better fit at the schools near Boston, Massachusetts. In 1940 he earned a B.Arch. in architecture and engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). In the middle of his studies at MIT, the Marco Polo Bridge Incident occurred in China. Unrest in the Pacific and with China at war with Japan, the young graduate was unable to return to his homeland. From 1940 to 1942 Pei took advantage of a MIT Traveling Fellowship. At a nearby womens college Pei met his future wife, the Chinese-born Eileen Loo (1920–2014), who graduated from Wellesley College in 1942. They married and both attended Harvard Graduate School of Design, he earning a M.Arch. degree in 1946 and she studying landscape architecture. At Harvard, I.M.Pei studied under Bauhaus modernist architect Walter Gropius. During the World War II years, Pei worked at the National Defense Research Committee in Princeton, New Jersey from 1942 to 1944. Back at Cambridge, Massachusetts, from 1945 to 1948 Pei was an Assistant Professor at Harvard Graduate School of Design. The couple traveled again in 1951 on Harvards Wheelwright Traveling Fellowship. Between 1944 and 1960, the couple had three sons and one daughter. In 1954 Pei became a naturalized citizen of the United States. Professional Years In 1948 Pei was recruited by New York City developer William Zeckendorf to work for his company, becoming Director of Architecture at Webb Knapp, Inc. for over a decade. Peis urban renewal buildings during this time established his personal business beginning in 1955, from I. M. Pei Associates to I. M. Pei Partners and the better known Pei Cobb Freed Partners. Eason Leonard and Henry N. Cobb had worked with Pei since 1955, but became founding partners of Pei Cobb Freed Partners. James Ingo Freed was partner until his death in 2005. Since 1992, Pei Partnership Architects has been a business with his sons, Chien Chung Pei and Li Chung Pei. In 1976 I.M. Pei Partners had a business nightmare when a new skyscraper in Boston, Massachusetts started losing its reflective glass facade panels. Pei hadnt designed the mirrored John Hancock Tower near Trinity Church, but his name was on the architecture firm. Henry Cobb was the design architect of the Hancock Tower, but the Pei organization took the hit in publicity. Pei spent a good part of the rest of his career designing glass structures to show the world he knew how to build with framed glass. In 1983 Pei was awarded the Pritzker Architecture Prize. With the prize money, Pei established a scholarship for Chinese students to study architecture in the United States provided they return to China to practice architecture. Important Buildings Considered one of the first skyscrapers in Denver, Colorado, the 23-story Mile High Center was one of Peis early glass clad high-rises. Built in 1956, the Center is now the Tower as it was completely renovated by someone else who knows a thing or two about glass - Philip Johnsons architectural firm of Johnson/Burgee Architects. Peis 1970 Terminal 6 at JFK International Airport in New York City was not so lucky to be renovated - it was demolished in 2011. Visit the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado to experience Peis modernity without an emphasis on glass. This 1967 design is more similar to the 1968 Everson Museum of Art in Syracuse, New York and the 1973 Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y. - designed as asymmetrical sculptures. More mature museum projects include the 2006 Musà ©e dArt Moderne in Kirchberg, Luxembourg and the 2008 Museum of Islamic Art in Doha, Qatar. The glass pyramids used as skylights complemented Peis sculpture-like design of the National Gallery of Art, East Building in Washington, D.C. Its 1978 opening brought Pei national and international renown. National Gallery East Wing, Washington, D.C. Charles Rotkin/VCG via Getty Images (cropped) Major American cities often called on Peis expertise to bring exciting but restrained modernism to their urban areas. In Boston, Massachusetts Pei was asked to design the 1979 John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library and its extension in 1991, and the 1981 Museum of Fine Arts West Wing and Renovation. In Dallas, Texas Pei took on Dallas City Hall (1977) and the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center (1989). Pei has designed a number of buildings in Asia, including the 1976 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Centre and the 1986 Raffles City complex in Singapore; the 1997 Miho Museum in Shiga, Japan; the 2006 Suzhou Museum in Suzhou, China; the 1982 Fragrant Hill Hotel in Beijing, China; and perhaps most importantly, the 1989 Bank of China Tower, his fathers bank in Hong Kong. I.M. Peis international reputation was cemented, however, with the controversial and highly successful new entryway into the very old Louvre Museum in Paris. The 1989 Louvre Pyramid created a skylit underground entrance that managed the crowds of visitors away from and into the aged museum. Louvres Pyramid Entrance, 1989, Architect I.M. Pei. Bernard Bisson/Sygma via Getty Images (cropped) The same year I.M. Pei was finishing the 1993 Four Seasons Hotel in New York City, he was also finishing another phase of the Louvre project - La Pyramide Inversà ©e or The Inverted Pyramid, an upside-down glass pyramid skylight built into an underground shopping mall near the Louvre. he Inverted Pyramid of the Carrousel du Louvre, Paris. Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images (cropped) Quote I believe that architecture is a pragmatic art. To become art it must be built on a foundation of necessity. - I.M. Pei, Acceptance of the 1983 Pritzker Architecture Award. Legacy Repurposing Designs It turns out that the venerable Chinese-born Pei was not only a Pritzker-winning architect, but also an astute businessman. Its been said that Peis controversial Pyramid at the Louvre in Paris, France evolved from an early design for the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library in Boston, Massachusetts, eventually completed in 1979 with an extension in 1991. Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy chose Pei to honor her late husband, and Pei accepted the commission in December 1964. Peis initial design for the Library included a truncated glass pyramid symbolizing President Kennedys abruptly cut-off life, declares the Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, a design that re-emerged 25 years later in I.M. Peis design for the expansion of the Louvre Museum in Paris. And in 1995 he did it again in Cleveland, Ohio with the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame - a glass pyramid. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Cleveland, Ohio. George Rose/Getty Images The inventive Mr. Pei is an elder statesman of modernism and a living connection to the age of le Corbusier, Gropius, and Mies van der Rohe. We should have figured that he was also a master at repurposing. The ingenuity of architect Ieoh Ming Pei is typical of successful architects - if at first one design is rejected, use it somewhere else. Sources I.M. Pei, Architect. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum., Rosemarie. I.M. Pei’s Angel Island Beginnings. Immigrant Voices. Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Ominivore's Dilemma Book Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ominivore's Dilemma Book - Essay Example im that it is actually the combination of obesity and myriad other health problems which accompany obesity like hypertension, fatigue, and decreased physical activity, which lead to the development of full blown cardiovascular complications. In response to the alarming rate by which morbid and moderate obesity is seen increasing in surgery patients, research was carried out recently by Park et al. (2011) to assess the impact of obesity on specific perioperative outcomes like myocardial infarctions and long-term outcomes like renal dysfunction. The theme of this research is that though obesity plays a major role in independently raising risk factor for diseases like coronary artery disease (CAD), secondary hypertension, and diabetes mellitus, still it should not be thought of as an independent risk factor for adverse perioperative and long-term clinical results following surgeries like aneurysm repair. Many conventional thinking based articles and talkshow hosts blame obesity to be independently related to not just some specific diseases but almost all major clinical complications. Though this leads people to adopt precautionary measures against obesity, but such an action comes at cost of development of a great confusio n in society. People have a right to know that obesity does not play the role of an independent risk factor for every disease every time. Diaz et al. (2009) also claim that morbid obesity never turns up as an independent risk factor for mortality in seriously ill trauma patients. The research conducted by Diaz et al. (2009) on trauma patients was to assess all the risk factors which posed highest risk for death. Among all such risk factors, obesity got out ruled for independently being capable enough to cause death in trauma patients. Whether obesity be seen as a primary cause of a disease or simply as an aggravating factor, fact is that even cardiovascular diseases develop due to certain excess morbidity associated with obesity like lack of
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Contract Law As the basis of Business Law Essay
Contract Law As the basis of Business Law - Essay Example law has made exceptions in the acceptance of an offer. Acceptance is the words, writing or conduct of the offeree that signifies consent to the agreement proposed by the offeror. When we view The Sale of Goods Act 1979 Part II S4-How a Contract is Made- and s (1), the statute states the spectrum of contract formulation. Additionally, we find the principle of acceptance by conduct when we view Brogden v. Metropolitan Railway Co. [1877] 2 App Cas 666. Adam and Mark entered into a simple contract, which can be oral, written or both. Simple contracts can be held valid in court. Particularly in a business transaction; the court makes the presumption that the parties did have the intent to become legally bound. Of course the presumption can be disputed by either party, however the disputed party must proved to the court that his intent was not to be legally bound. Failure to convince the court, the court will then decide the case by means of the relevant Presumption. I would advise Adam that he has in fact created a binding contract with Mark. We find auxiliary conversations in Rose v. Crompton Bros. (1925). concerning the talk of not having a written and signed contract was of itself a recognizable legally bindingagreement. The court concluded that contracts had been created, and the defendant in3 failing to execute them, were in breach of contract.... From this research, it is clear components 1-4 were inherent of the agreement and points 5-6 of the component list were not evident. Moreover, there was a legitimate offer made by Adam to Mark, to which they subsequently agreed verbally on price and terms of the contract. Albeit the communication of offer and acceptance were made verbally on the phone; the law has made exceptions in the acceptance of an offer. Acceptance is the words, writing or conduct of the offeree that signifies consent to the agreement proposed by the offeror. When we view The Sale of Goods Act 1979 Part II S4-How a Contract is Made- and s (1), the statute states the spectrum of contract formulation. Adam and Mark entered into a simple contract, which can be oral, written or both. Simple contracts can be held valid in court. Particularly in a business transaction; the court makes the presumption that the parties did have the intent to become legally bound. In conclusion, of course, the presumption can be dispute d by either party, however, the disputed party must prove to the court that his intent was not to be legally bound. Failure to convince the court, the court will then decide the case by means of the relevant Presumption. In S (4) s (a) of the Unfair Contract Terms Act of 1977 states that only to business liability, that is liability for breach of obligations of duties arising from things done or to be done by a person in the course of a business (whether his own business or another’s).
Monday, November 18, 2019
Consumerism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Consumerism - Essay Example Because of increased intensive production of numerous, this heightened living standards of the English as well as other people belong from the same caste. People enjoyed the experience of acquiring material possessions, which where once prized for their durability over fashionability. This also led to the emergency of more sophisticated designers majoring in trendy products (Mackendrick, Brewer & Plumb 2). Based on my opinion, I think current US designers’ ideas are highly valued in production of new items in the market aimed at satisfying the consumer. For instance, the newly graduates from universities and colleges who have studied fashion designs courses (Mackendrick, Brewer & Plumb 5). Inventing more advanced manufacturing industries, to cater for increased customer’s demands world wide such as textile industries. In addition, a manufacturer notifies customers online, in the newspapers, magazines or social media about new products in the market through internet, local and international newspapers. Issuing of trade cards to individual clients, so buying and selling be more advanced by giving out special printed cards to customers like business cards (Mackendrick, Brewer & Plumb
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Design of Condition Monitoring (CM) system of a Case Study
Design of Condition Monitoring (CM) system of a Case Study Term / Abbreviation Definition CBW Continuous Batch Washer CM Condition Monitoring DIN Deutsches Institut fur Normung (German Institute for Standardization) FFT Fast Fourier Transform FTIR Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy IR Infra-Red OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer P-F Potential to Functional Failure PM Preventive Maintenance SGS Spring Grove Services TAN Total Acid Number TBN Total Base Number TWF Time Wave Form WDA Wear Debris Analysis Spring Grove Services has decided to embark on a Condition Monitoring approach for the maintenance of its most critical equipment. Criticality was established by carrying out a study on the main Utilities and Process systems/machinery. This report includes data and images from a Thermography study, carried out at SGS, as this type of CM has already commenced. The findings identified in this exercise have highlighted potential points of failure in the Novopac shrink-wrap lines. Lubrication and Vibration Analysis studies have yet to commence so will be considered from a look-ahead perspective. The areas of focus here are the 18 Stage CBW and the Kaeser air compressor respectively. There will be predictions and estimates made on possible findings and required follow-up actions. The report undertaken here confirms to the author the necessity of introducing CM for equipment that is central to the successful running of the SGS plant in Cork. Spring Grove Services is one of Irelands leading laundry rental service providers. SGS has four major processing sites in Ireland. The business model functions by supplying linen to customers on a rental basis. This is then collected after use and cleaned before re-supply. Clients are supplied from a pool stock i.e. linen is not specific to any one client. The plant in Cork, which is featured in our case study, processes on average 330,000kgs of linen per week which equates to approximately 660,000 individual pieces. Run hours are 85 per week. Its customers include Irelands biggest hotels and hospitals. There is a real time aspect to this industry in the sense that linen processed today may well be used in a hotel or hospital tonight. This same linen will probably have only arrived in the laundry this morning in a soiled state. Lengthy batch release times due to quality inspections do not feature as they would in the pharmaceutical and healthcare products industries. This does not mean that there are poor quality standards, it just means that there is a minimum of time to ascertain them. This super-lean model requires maximum availability of plant equipment so effective maintenance is paramount. The operating context is also a factor in the maintenance strategy: equipment with many moving parts operating in a hot, humid and/or dusty environment. Preventive and Corrective Maintenance has historically been accepted practice with SGS but Condition Monitoring is coming more to the forefront for the most critical equipment. SGS is part of the European wide Berendsen group. The first step in the Condition Monitoring journey was to identify the most critical equipment. This would naturally become the focus of CM. Appendices A and B illustrate how Utilities and Process systems interact at SGS. Appendix C explains in detail, using a Criticality Scoring Scheme (Wheelhouse, 2014), how the results in Figure 1 were attained. Figure 1: SGS Criticality Curve Figure 1 trends criticality for the various Utilities and Process systems/equipment in Spring Grove Services. From Figure 1, we can deduce that the most critical assets are the CBWs, the Plastic Wrappers and the air Compressor. On further analysing the failure modes associated with this equipment, we can decide on where the exact focus of CM will be: 18 Stage CBW: This machine is the work horse of the Wash House as it alone processes 50% of the linen. Its most critical piece of equipment is the drive motor/gearbox assembly. We will apply Lubrication Analysis to the gearbox. Plastic Wrappers: These pieces of equipment form the final stage of the laundering process. Failure here creates a severe bottleneck. We will apply Thermographic Analysis to the electrical control panels. Air Compressor: If the compressor stops, production stops as there is no redundancy available. We will apply Vibration Analysis to the bearings as they are overdue replacement according to Original Equipment Manufacturer specification. 3.1 Equipment Description Figure 2: Lenze GST Geared Motor (Source: Geared Motor Spares) Figure 2 shows the type of geared motor used to drive the 18 Stage CBW (Geared Motor Spares). Lenze GST Helical Gearbox Power: 18.5kW Speed: 331rpm Torque: 518Nm Ratio: 4.457:1 Product Code: GST09-2MVBR180C12 Oil manufacture/type: Shell Omala S4 GX 320 Quantity of oil: 4.8 litres 3.2 Testing Overview The main purpose of carrying out lubrication analysis on this gearbox is to determine its health. The health of the lubricating oil itself is of secondary importance to SGS as it is a relatively inexpensive and easy task to replace. Because of these considerations our findings on Wear Debris Analysis (particle count) and Content Analysis will be used to make an overall estimation of system health. Where possible analysis performed through In-line or On-line methods is often preferable. However in this instance, neither of these options is possible so Off-line sampling will have to suffice. Off-line analysis does however provide increased scope for evaluating a greater variety of debris (Pruftechnik, 2002). Figure 3: GST gearbox lubrication service points (Source: Geared Motor Spares)  Figure 3 illustrates the various lubrication service points on a Lenze GST type gearbox (Geared Motor Spares). To take an oil sample, we will employ the following procedure: Ensure that the gearbox/oil is at normal operating temperature. It is not safe to take a sample while the gearbox is in operation due to the proximity of hazardous moving parts. We will therefore instead stop the machine and take a sample as soon as the drive motor is safely isolated. 100ml will be extracted using a Vampire Pump and entering the gearbox through the Breathing/oil filler plug as displayed in Figure 3. This method of extraction is known as the Drop Tube Sampling Method. Figure 4: Drop Tube Sampling Method (Source: Zidoune) Figure 4 shows a Vampire Pump extracting oil using the Drop Tube Sampling Method (Zidoune). Precautions when sampling: Record time, date and operating conditions. Oil must be at operating temperature. Ensure clean bottles and new tubing are used. Take oil from middle of gearbox i.e. not too close to the bottom. A turbulent zone is best. Samples should be sent for laboratory testing without delay. Poor sampling = poor results = poor decisions (Zidoune, 2013). 3.3 Test Findings Visual Inspection This can be performed by onsite staff prior to laboratory analysis and observations will be aimed at the following: Foaming an indication of contamination, passage through restricted openings or excessive churning. Emulsion water has entered the gearbox. Darkening oxidation has occurred or oil has been exposed to excessive heat. Laboratory Analysis On receiving laboratory results, we will consider the following factors in estimating the health of the gearbox: FTIR This provides information about oil chemistry and particulates. It can also determine if there has been a decrease in desirable content such as corrosion inhibitors. Viscosity This can tell us much about the lubricants condition. It can also give us an insight into system health when considered alongside factors such as detergency and dilution. Metal Concentration This is a key health indicator. The presence of certain metals can point towards the defect location e.g. Lead and Tin detected in large amounts indicates wear of a white metal bearing. TAN/TBN Acid number determines amount of oxidation present in the oil. Base number is an indication of the capacity to neutralise acids. Fault Level Settings Gearbox or oil manufacturers should be consulted, however setting useful alarm limits can be subjective as there are many variables in the operating context that it is not possible to account for in their specifications. Alarm limits are best set by initially estimating, based on specifications, and then gathering data over a period of time to tune the initial estimates. This will help reduce both false triggers and potential failures. As there are three CBWs in the wash house with identical drive systems, there is a likelihood that a gearbox will be fully overhauled in the not too distant future. We could use this opportunity to get data from perfectly healthy system i.e. a reconditioned gearbox with new oil. ISO Coding Sample Standard Cleanliness Target for an Industrial Gearbox: ISO 17/15/12 (Angeles, 2003) Table 2 Table 2 contains hypotethical data that we would expect to see in an oil sample taken from a healty gearbox. Using ISO 4406 methods with this data would give us a code of 17/15/12. 3.4 Conclusion Trending It is imperative that a trend is developed from the successive analysis exercises. This will result in a graph curve which displays system health and allow for a timely maintenance intervention when required. Recommended sampling frequency Care must be taken here as 100ml test amounts will render the gearbox empty of oil after 48 samples. Topping up the gearbox after each sample is not recommended as introducing new oil dilutes the existing content and thus distorts WDA data. Current oil replacement interval is every 4 years. Initial sampling frequency will be every 6 months with the gearbox oil level topped up every 12 months. Quick wins Spurlock (n.d.) states that one of the most common points of ingress for contamination in a gearbox is the OEM breather. It is recommended that an aftermarket breather be used instead. 4.1 Equipment Description Figure 5: Novopac ANL 090 Wrapper (Source: Bidspotter) Figure 6: Novopac BM2009 Heat Shrinking Oven (Source: Bidspotter) Figures 5 and 6 show examples of the Novopac Wrapper and Heat Shrinking Oven used in SGS (Bidspotter). Novopac ANL 090 Wrapper and BM2009 Heat Shrinking Oven (both function as a combined unit). Power: 41kW. Output per min.: 8/16 packs. 4.2 Testing Overview It was decided that SGS would purchase a thermographic camera and have one of the maintenance technicians trained in its operation. The supervisor consulted with the technician immediately after the study was completed and again when the full report was completed. 4.3 Test Findings There were two areas that were cause for concern: the three phase power supply connection and the DIN rail mounted contactors. Three Phase Power Supply Connection Figure 7: IR image Figure 8: Standard image Table 3 Figures 7 and 8 show both an IR and a standard image of the three phase connection block. Table 3 lists the data recorded by the camera in this instance. Action taken: The hot spot found in Figure 7 was found to be a loose connection on the DIN rail connection block. Tightening the same connector resolved the issue. DIN Rail Mounted Contactors Figure 9: IR image Figure 10: Standard image Table 4 Figures 9 and 10 show both an IR and a standard image of the DIN rail mounted contactors. Table 4 lists the data recorded by the camera in this instance. Action taken: Figure 9 indicates that there is a temperature build up between the contactors. On consulting previous reports, it was found that the temperature readings were similar during the last thermographic study. At this point the contactors were actually located closer together. A recommendation was made at that time to space out the contactors to allow for extra cooling. However this has made no difference but since there has not been deterioration in the state of the contactors, SGS has decided not to take any further action at present. 4.4 Conclusion The overall conclusion is that, beyond the tightening of the loose connection, there is no serious action required regarding repairs. However SGS has realised that there are shortcomings in the testing procedures which are mainly down to the technician not being trained to the proper standard. Listed below are the observations and recommendations relating to this viewpoint: The approach being applied is a Qualitative one which is sufficient for identifying the presence of a fault. It is also effective as a comparative technique. A Qualitative approach measures the Blackbody Apparent Temperature. Neither reflected/transmitted radiation nor emissivity has been accounted for. To get a true temperature reading, a Quantitative approach would be required. This will not only identify the presence of a fault but also its severity. Reflected/transmitted radiation is accounted for by entering the ambient temperature in the IR Camera. This can be done using pre-measured or estimated values. A correct entry here would provide the Blackbody temperature. Emissivity can be accounted for by entering a pre-measured or library values. A correct entry here, combined with accounting for the reflected/transmitted radiation, would provide the actual temperature. 5.1 Equipment Description Figure 11: Kaeser CS76 (Source: Synairgies) Figure 11 shows the type of Kaeser air compressor used in SGS (Synairgies). Kaeser CS76. Type: Rotary screw wet. Power: 45kW. Motor speed: 3000rpm. Mains frequency: 50Hz. Pressure: 7.5bar. Year of manufacture: 2004. Total running hours: 53563. On-load running hours: 42789. Recommended frequency for bearings replacement: 35000 hours this activity has yet to be completed. 5.2 Testing Overview The most likely cause of a screw compressor to fail is its bearings (KCF Technologies, n.d.). Accelerometer Locations For our Kaeser machine, we will apply vibration monitoring at the radial bearing positions of both the motor and compressor. This area will get a particular focus because OEM specifications suggest the bearings should have already been replaced. SGS is hoping that vibration analysis will give a true indicator of bearing condition and thus inform of the optimum time for bearing change-out. Figure 12: Sensor locations (Source: KCF Technologies) Figure 12 shows typical mounting positions, in yellow, for sensors to measure vibration at motor and compressor radial bearings (KCF Technologies). Mounting technique Accelerometers will be stud mounted to help ensure the most accurate readings. Accelerometer selection and equipment set-up Frequencies associated with bearings usually occur in the 1 to 5 kHz range. For this application an accelerometer with 25 kHz natural frequency is required. Sampling frequency (fs) = 2.56 x 5000 = 12800 Hz. For Fast Fourier Transform Spectrum Analysis, to achieve a frequency resolution of less than 1Hz: df = fs/N à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¤ 1 N is the number of data points. N = 2^14 = 16,384 fs/N = 0.78125 Crest Factor or Kurtosis on Time Wave Form Acceleration signal can be employed to assist with diagnosis. Velocity and Acceleration will be the main focus for FFT. 5.3 Test Findings TWF and FFT For fault diagnosis, we will refer to TWF and FFT graphs. Figure 13: TWF and FFT (Source: Sinha) Figure 13 displays vibration acceleration measurement for a ball bearing in the initial fault stage (Sinha). Vibration Alarm and Fault level examples Table 5 (Source: Zargar) Table 5 lists vibration limits for a similar size and specification to the Kaeser CS76 (Zargar). 5.4 Conclusion A successful vibration monitoring program can be most difficult to attain for screw compressors. This is because of the high frequencies associated with the bearings, gearbox, male and female rotors. The associated noise pollution of the compressor can cause additional monitoring problems (Zargar, 2013). For the Kaeser compressor, there is a risk that bearing wear is present because of the hours run by the machine. However we cannot draw a firm conclusion on this until we develop a trend based on several sets of analysis data. The ultimate goal is to capture the point at which the bearings begin to deteriorate and from there successfully monitor the P-F interval. This will enable a well-judged maintenance intervention. CM want to have: If sufficient finance was available, a great option would be to invest in an Online monitoring system and have data fed back to a central PC. The software package could then issue periodic reports as well as alarm condition notifications. It is clear, I believe, from this report that embarking on a Conditioning Monitoring programme would bring great benefit to SGS. As well as the immediate gains to be made on the above equipment, the following should also result as pleasant side effects: An awareness will have developed among the key stakeholders of the advantages of CM over other types of maintenance. Technical staff will have an opportunity to upskill in either carrying out CM activities such as the Thermography study or be involved in interpreting results from Lubrication and Vibration analysis. There will be a willingness to roll out CM to other pieces of equipment. Thermography is an obvious contender as the equipment is already purchased. Downtime in the Wash House should be reduced as potential failures in the 18 Stage CBW drive gearbox will be identified before descending into functional failures. Again, as soon as this benefit is realised, this approach should carry across to other equipment. The criticality study which underpins the CM strategy will help focus technical resources on the most important equipment to the business. The expected success of the programme in the Cork plant should result in adoption of CM across the other sites in Ireland as there has always been close cooperation in terms of maintenance practices and parts sourcing. There will be an opportunity for the maintenance department to come to the forefront of the company when reporting the expected good news stories to emerge from adopting this new maintenance approach. Continuous improvement will organically develop from CM and bring kudos to the maintenance team. The general non-contact nature of CM will enhance safe working practices. The non-intrusive nature of CM will result in less equipment stoppages and reduced maintenance induced failures. The maintenance team will be encouraged to work more closely with equipment and components suppliers. This will help better inform future selection of machinery. It should be the beginning of a new maintenance culture across the organisation. Angeles, R. (2003). Tables on Oil Analysis. [Online]. Available from [Accessed 12 November 2016]. Bidspotter (n.d.). Impianti Novo Pac heat shrink-wrap tunnel.[Online]. Available from [Accessed 08 November 2016]. Geared Motor Spares (n.d.). Lenze GST Geared Motors.[Online]. Available from [Accessed 08 November 2016]. Geared Motor Spares (n.d.). L-force Geared Motors.[Online]. Available from [Accessed 11 November 2016]. KCF Technologies (n.d.). Vibration Monitoring of Compressors. [Online]. Available from [Accessed 16 November 2016]. Pruftechnik (2002). An Engineers Guide to Shaft Alignment, Vibration Analysis, Dynamic Balancing Wear Debris Analysis. [Online]. Available from [Accessed 13 November 2016]. Sinha, J. (2016). PG Course in Reliability Engineering and Asset Management, Unit M04: Condition Monitoring. School of Mechanical Aerospace and Civil Engineering. University of Manchester. Spurlock, M. (n.d.). Reducing Gearbox Oil Contamination Levels. [Online]. Available from [Accessed 11 November 2016]. Synairgies (n.d.).Synairgies Compresseurs Doccasion.[Online]. Available from [Accessed 08 November 2016]. Zargar, O. A. (2013). Hydraulic Unbalance in Oil Injected Twin Rotary Screw Compressor Vibration Analysis. [Online]. Available from [Accessed 17 November 2016]. Zidoune, M. (2013). Lubricants Handling and Analysis. [Online]. Available from [Accessed 11 November 2016]. Wheelhouse, P. (2014). Exercise 3_5 Criticality, Unit M01: Asset Management Maintenance Strategy. School of Mechanical Aerospace and Civil Engineering. University of Manchester. 8.1 Appendix A Figure 14: SGS Utilities Systems Figure 14 shows the systems which form Utilities at SGS. 8.2 Appendix B Figure 15: SGS Process System/Equipment Figure 15 shows a high level view of process systems and equipment at SGS. 8.3 Appendix C Criticality Scoring Scheme(Wheelhouse, 2014) The plant has decided on a criticality scoring scheme which consists of four different factors which will be multiplied together to give an overall score for equipment criticality. These factors are: Redundancy, Failure Likelihood, Failure Duration Financial Impact. A scoring scheme has been devised for each factor as follows: Redundancy = Number of units required / Number of units available Likelihood KeywordEvents per YearScore Never00 Very unlikely Unlikely 0.2 0.6 2 Probable 1.0 1.5 3 Almost certain >24 Duration KeywordScore Hours1 Days2 Weeks3 Months4 Financial Impact KeywordScore Repair cost only1 Additional cost penalty2 Potential loss of sales3 Immediate loss of sales4 Table 6 lists equipment criticalities as calculated at SGS. References Angeles, R. (2003). Tables on Oil Analysis. [Online]. Available from [Accessed 12 November 2016]. British Standards Institution (1999). BS ISO4406:1999. Hydraulic fluid power Fluids Method for coding the level of contamination by solid particles. Published under the authority of the Standards Committee. Felten, D. (2003). Understanding Bearing Vibration Frequencies. [Online]. Available from [Accessed 16 November 2016]. Geared Motor Spares (n.d.). L-force Geared Motors.[Online]. Available from
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Plagiarism - A Severe Threat to the Society Essay -- Argumentative Per
Plagiarism - A Severe Threat to the Society Every day throughout the world, teachers strive to attain the most from their students in every aspect of life, from effective communication and language skills, to the development of individualism and the concept of being the best that you could be. With the use of exams, class discussions, and written assignments, educators subconsciously reinforce the idea that success can only be achieved from within, with personal expression and dedication to each and every task faced in modern existence. The world, as we see it today, has not evolved by people copying one another’s ideas. It has evolved from the willingness of individuals to step up and make their intentions known, to bring about new ideas and concepts to forever change the environment in which we live. All too often, though, due to stress, insufficient time allowance, or just plain laziness, people take the quickest and most unproblematic approach to getting work done, in turn, failing to play their part in soci ety’s evolution by retaining individual ideas and viewpoints. For centuries, plagiarism has been a major stumbling block in the pathway for academic success. Plagiarism, as defined, means â€Å"to steal and pass off the ideas or words of another as one's own". It has existed in one form or another since the advent of time, with individuals copying the work of others to propel themselves forward in their own education or professional work field. The problem is magnified significantly in today’s society as we live in a high speed world where all of the information that you could possibly need is at the convenience of your fingertips. "Across the United States, universities -- and even in ... ... were forced to deal with it. Evaluated more thoroughly, these statistics show not only a problem with student plagiarizing, but also an underlying problem of the failure to recognize it as a severe threat to the future development of today’s society. In order for society to continue to grow and prosper in technology, educators and employers alike must realize that plagiarism is indeed a genuine concern and as a result, must be dealt with in a more severe matter to encourage individualism. Often the threat of a failed grade or expulsion from a university is not enough to deter students from cheating if known instances have not been appropriately dealt with in the past. If the problem is to be mended, educators must make examples of students who plagiarize written material, so we can discontinue the trend that seems to be irresistible to today’s society.
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