Monday, December 30, 2019
The Tragedy Of Julius Caesar - 859 Words
The play the Tragedy of Julius Caesar was written and produced by one of the most famous play writers in history, William Shakespeare. The play started with the controversy over Caesar and his power as the roman emperor. Cassius one of the senators for Rome had suspicion over Caesar over the thought of him becoming a dictator for having too much power. Brutus his best friend was convinced later on by Cassius, who sneaked false letters of the roman citizen about Caesar’s power and ambition. This resulted in Brutus stabbing his best friend and ruler, this caused chaos in the streets of Rome coming to Brutus’ death. Shakespeare explains how Brutus is the tragic hero with literary terms such as metaphors and Blank. Some people may say that Caesar is the tragic hero, but his ambitions and ego get in the way of doing what’s best for Rome, so some people may say otherwise. An example of Caesar’s ego is when he said, â€Å" I am constant as the Northern Starà ¢â‚¬ , this means that Caesar believes that he is so important that everything revolves around him. This also means that he can’t be moved and he thinks his choice is right and doesn’t want to hear anyone else out. An example of Caesar’s ambition is saying, â€Å" Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look. He thinks too much: such men are dangerous†, this shows how he fears the educated, the ones who will act out when Caesar tries to become the dictator. He resents people who will stop his fame and glory, the ones who grow withShow MoreRelatedThe Tragedy Of Julius Caesar1050 Words  | 5 Pagesonce said â€Å"The pen is mightier than the sword.†I agree wholeheartedly with this statement. Evidence that supports this claim can be found in both Shakespeare’s play â€Å"The Tragedy of Julius Caesar†and in the modern day example of Malala Yousafzai. In Julius Caesar, Mark Antony uses words to convince the citizens of Rome that Caesar w as a successful leader and not someone they should celebrate the death of. Also, the conspirators use words to convince Brutus to join their cause. Without Brutus, theRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Julius Caesar1507 Words  | 7 Pagesthan likely to be conveyed and persuaded into believing or investing in the speaker’s words. As a result, the speaker is then able to incorporate a deeper effect on the listener, and conduct various long lasting outcomes. In the play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Antony is able to create a greater effect and convince the crowd of his beliefs by focusing on all aspects of a sturdy speech. One of the many important objectives of a speaker is to portray credibility and trustworthiness. The use ofRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Julius Caesar1483 Words  | 6 PagesThe Tragedy of Julius Caesar has catastrophe in more characters than just Caesar. William Shakespeare presented Marcus Brutus in a way that closely followed the example of a tragic hero. Brutus came from noble birth, had a fatal flaw, suffered a great tragedy. Brutus also fits into Shakespeare’s variation of tragic heroes, by giving Brutus complexity, internal conflict, and using choice over fate. Brutus’ ultimate goal is fulfilled by in part by his actions. Brutus thought his cause to be honorableRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Julius Caesar867 Words  | 4 PagesThe Tragedy Of Julius Caesar The Tragedy Of Julius Caesar, written by William Shakespeare, is a perfect tragedy, showing both â€Å"pity†and â€Å"fear†, as well as not â€Å"possess[ing] no single tragic quality†(Aristotle). Throughout the play, betrayal and corruption are seen, filling the play with other tragic qualities. Out of all the characters in the play, the most complex is Brutus. Brutus, being one of the conspirators behind the death of his good friend Caesar, takes his place as the stories tragicRead MoreThe Tragedy of Julius Caesar2000 Words  | 8 PagesThe Tragedy of Julius Caesar, manipulative language acts prominently between the characters. Brutus struggles to decide if the safety of the Roman Republic appears more important than his friendship with Julius Caesar. Cassius tries to persuade him to join the conspiracy that decides to kill Caesar. Envious of Julius Caesar’s power, the Senators believes that when Caesar becomes ruler, the change of government forev er affects Rome. Brutus agrees that it seems for the best of Rome for Caesar neverRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Julius Caesar1043 Words  | 5 Pagesthe greatest writer of all time, revealed critical opinions about the events during his time period in his plays. In one of Shakespeare’s greatest works, Julius Caesar, he illustrated the tragedy of Caesar back in ancient Rome in 44 B.C. While Brutus and Cassius acted as conspirators, or the antagonists, they planned the assassination of Caesar. Deciding wrongly on doing for the good of Rome, Brutus indeed paid his good intentions. Assuredly, Brutus’s three fatal mistakes could be listed in orderRead MoreLiterary Analysis of the Tragedy of Julius Caesar773 Words  | 4 PagesLiterary Analysis of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar William Shakespeare wrote his play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, so that his readers could have an idea of the lives, wars, and conflicts during the roman times. Shakespeare may have written the play because of his interest in history. He studied the writings of the historian Plutarch, who was alive at the same time as Caesar and wrote about his life. He also needed a job and money, and he had a fear of Queen Elizabeth dying. Shakespeare lovedRead MoreAnalysis Of Brutus In The Tragedy Of Julius Caesar1147 Words  | 5 Pagescareful when it comes to trust because people change so quickly. A prime example of this is a character named Brutus in William Shakespeares The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. In this play the noble Brutus is persuaded by a group of conspirators that Julius Caesar, a friend of Brutus, should be killed before he is crowned the king. Following the death of Caesar, Brutus speaks out to the people of Rome. He left his speech feeling extremely confident, but soon came to find an angry city upset by the deathRead MoreJulius Caesar and Other Shakespearian Tragedies810 Words  | 3 PagesShakespearian tragedies usually have a wel l-defined tragic hero. According to Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, a tragic hero is a character of high rank and nobility, exhibits a tragic flaw, and recognizes how his actions led to his eventual downfall. William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Julius Caesar incited a century old argument over who really deserves the title of â€Å"The Tragic Hero.†Many argue that Caesar is the tragic hero. However, I believe that Brutus should hold the title of tragic heroRead MoreThe Contributions of The Women of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar891 Words  | 4 PagesIn a cast of over 30 characters, there are only two women. This is a statement describing the world renown play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare. These two female characters are Calpurnia, the wife of Julius Ceasar, and Portia, the wife of Marcus Brutus. Other than these two women, the cast is composed entirely of male characters. In a work of literature so populated by men, one may ask why Shakespear e takes the time to include any women at all. However, after further reflection
Sunday, December 22, 2019
What Coaches And Trainers Need - 930 Words
What Coaches and Trainers Need to Know: What is a Disability? As the fitness industry continues to evolve, there are new challenges coaches and trainers are constantly faced with that they need to be able to learn about in order to adapt accordingly. As the population begins to slowly become more and more health-conscious, there are a variety of populations that participate in exercise--- but for some, there is greater difficulty than others. People with disabilities make up one of the largest populations in the United States, with over 50 million people reporting some form of disability (3). When the fitness professional thinks of the term disability, it is important to realize that the term reaches far beyond the realm of just physical disability that many people think of. A disability is defined by any physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, such as speaking, walking, caring for oneself, hearing, learning, concentrating, as well as limitations in the function of the respiratory, endocrine, i mmune, or reproductive systems (7). Disabilities can occur in a number of different forms including: amputations, spinal cord lesions and injuries (i.e., spina bifida), traumatic brain injuries (i.e., stroke), neuromuscular limitations (i.e., Parkinson’s), cognitive (i.e. Down syndrome), musculoskeletal (i.e., arthritis) communication (vison) medical (i.e., cancer), cardiac (i.e., CVD) and pulmonary (i.e., COPD), disorders. Every oneShow MoreRelatedWhy Athletes Should Not Be Banned Essay1233 Words  | 5 Pageswith concussions often cannot remember what happened immediately before or after the injury and may act confused. A concussion can affect memory, judgment, reflexes, speech, balance and muscle coordination (1). Determining whether an athlete has a concussion and is able to return to play is the job of athletic trainers and team physicians, who are charged with keeping players out of harm s way. Since their specialty is sport-related injuries, an athletic trainer, in general, will know as much, if notRead MoreTraining the Female Athlete Essay632 Words  | 3 Pagesfemale athlete. Diane explains that as trainers and coaches that we need to recognize with men and female athletes that we are seeing specific trends with female athletes that we need to do a better job at recognizing. The evidence is that the females are lacking certain performance activities and more importantly that there are a tremendous amount of injuries in female athletes. The research is back this up and it also shows that as coaches and trainers – there are no improvements to these casesRead MoreCreating A Crisis Management Plan For Mentorship Academy Athletic Department1476 Words  | 6 Pagesathletes, coaches and spectators. Although every sport have a different safety need as it pertains to facilities. That’s why it is important for facilities to have an inspection before the spectators are allowed in the venue. Coaches must also be aware of the athletics health when it pertains to heat exhaustion. Coaches also have a duty to protect the students from injury with th e proper equipment. If there is a sport that has a greater risk of injury the then there should be a higher need for equipmentRead MoreThe Argument Of Football Safety1401 Words  | 6 Pagesa bit dangerous, football can have many benefits to the athlete as a whole. If played correctly, athletes can benefit from football by increasing their fitness, confidence, and teamwork qualities. Football is not a dangerous sport if athletes and coaches utilize basic safety principles including tackling skills, adequate hydration, and concussion awareness. Practicing the correct tackling skills will decrease injuries throughout an athlete s career. According to Palmer, â€Å"football players that practicedRead MoreThe Effects Of Concussions On Youth And High School Football1461 Words  | 6 Pagesaround the country, there is an obvious need for them to inform their players of the risks involved. The athletes have to take into account the risk of playing football and whether or not they want to assume that risk. The HRF shows the actual risk of an athlete receiving a concussion in football in one season, showing, â€Å"The chances of a youth football athlete suffering a concussion over the course of 1 season: 75%†( But, with medical personnel and trainers, athletes can be spared increased riskRead MoreConcussions On High School Football1208 Words  | 5 Pagesoff towards the sideline feeling a little woozy (Gregory 34). Two plays later he felt good enough to return to the game and did so (Gregory 34). His team h uddled up, and that is when it happened (Gregory 34). Chad collapsed, and when the medical trainers got to him his eyes were closed and he was unresponsive (Gregory 34). They rushed him to the hospital where he was diagnosed with severe brain trauma (Gregory 34). Five days later Chad passed away from complications from severe brain trauma (GregoryRead More4 Steps to Sales Training Getting Roi982 Words  | 4 Pagesreinforce this by showing that above-average coaches deliver 20% more sales. The challenge is that sales coaching is the weakest-performing activity among managers. Before you invest $1 in training you need to find out how effective your sales managers are at coaching in order to maximise your sales training investment. In fact if you only had $1 to invest I would suggest that you would get the biggest ROI on training your sales managers to be great coaches. Not only will you get better sales resultsRead More4 Steps to Sales Training Getting Roi993 Words  | 4 Pagesreinforce this by showing that above-average coaches deliver 20% more sales. The challenge is that sales coaching is the weakest-performing activity among managers. Before you invest $1 in training you need to find out how effective your sales managers are at coaching in order to maximise your sales training investment. In fact if you only had $1 to invest I would suggest that you would get the biggest ROI on training your sales managers to be great coaches. Not only will you get better sales resultsRead MoreCoaching Vs. Private Development Essay1584 Words  | 7 PagesThe word work in itself is non-specific as regards United Nations agency will it, to whom, in what state of affairs, and by what arrangement. Coaching could talk over with completely different things, notably either: Coaching among organizations, aboard or equalization to coaching and mentoring, and Coaching outside of organizations, as non-public private service, usually delivered by freelance coaches, or little corporations. Coaching could talk over with differing types of non-public developmentRead MoreTreat Injuries For Female Athletes Essay1467 Words  | 6 Pagesthemselves and take the time to learn and research about these injuries. When the coaches take the time to research and look into this ongoing issue in the female athletics realm, there will be a huge difference in how the players train and practice. The reason for the change in how the players train and practice is because the athlete will learn the proper way to run and jump so they will not get hurt. Female athletes need to be informed when they reach high school that the risk of getting injured is
Saturday, December 14, 2019
The Other Wes Moore Free Essays
The Other Wes Moore’s Profile Essay A person’s success or failure can be determined by their environment, education, choices; a number of different things. The autobiography The Other Wes Moore takes a look at two boys with the same name and eerily similar circumstances who end up in very different places in life. Wes Moore spoke at convocation about his book and what he hoped that people would get from it. We will write a custom essay sample on The Other Wes Moore or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the book he says â€Å"The chilling truth is that his story could have been mine. The tragedy is that my story could have been his. (Moore xi). These two men didn’t share the same fate because they each made a choice about what they wanted their life to become. The book truly demonstrates how the choices you make, make you. One Wes Moore showed that you can make the decision to not be a product of your environment or any other situation, and go on to be very successful in life. The way a person is shaped and guided in their developmental years does undoubtedly play a huge role in the type of person they will become people. A lot of elements come into play that helps to determine a person’s success or failure but at the end of the day the most important factor is a person’s choices. Whether those choices were made due to sways from the environment, education or influences is completely dependent on oneself. All people are accountable to themselves and in turn for their successes or failures. Environment can play a big part. Studies have proven that children in areas of poverty are far less likely to outperform students in affluent neighborhoods, but is that an excuse? The author Wes Moore and the imprisoned Wes Moore faced almost identical environmental challenges. The differences that landed these two on opposite ends of the spectrum were personal choices. Wes Moore decided to straighten up and do what not only his family wanted for him, but what he wanted for himself. He made the choice to not become a victim of circumstance while the other did not. Choices on education are also a major deciding factor on success and failure. Victor Hugo once said, â€Å"He who opens a school door, closes a prison. This speaks volumes to the occurrences in both Wes Moore’s lives. The author Wes Moore went off to military school where negative environmental influences were cut off and he was able to receive an education, which he himself considers a turning point in his life. His entire atmosphere and the dynamics of the schools he was accustomed to were altered. Although he attempted to run away several times, there was a point after speaking with his mo ther that he made the decision to stop running and embrace the experience and it helped make him the person he is today. The imprisoned Moore dropped out of school and like the overwhelming majority of African American male drop outs, ended up in the system. While the imprisoned Wes may have not had access to private or military schools, he could have finished school and decided to make an honest living. Later in his life he did decided to earn a GED and learn a trade, but he didn’t make the decision to dedicate himself to turning his life around and as soon as things got difficult turned back to what he knew instead of taking path toward something more positive. He gained mentors working under Mayor Kurt Schmoke of Baltimore, and a friend in his former Captain, Ty Hill at the military school. His decision to pursue a life full of criminal activity was his alone. The way parents and mentors influence choices are also very important. While Wes’ (the author) parents opting out of public schools and sending him to private and military institutions undoubtedly aided in his success, he also could have protested and chose not to learn anything from the opportunities presented to him, but he didn’t. He took full advantage of the opportunity presented to him. Imprisoned Wes Moore also had people who wanted the best for him. He had the opportunity to graduate from high school and take control of his own life. He chose not to listen to his mother or brother, Tony. No mother wants to see her child go down the path he did. Even his brother, who himself was involved in the drug game did not want his little brother to be a part of that. He even got into a physical fight with Moore when he found out he was selling drugs, but there came a point when Tony realized you cannot want something for someone they don’t want for themself. He desperately wanted to keep his brother off his path but when he understood his attempts fell on deaf ears he told him â€Å"If you won’t listen, that’s on you. You have potential to do so much more, go so much further. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink, right? †(Moore 71). His brother knew it was Wes’ decision, and at some point you have to take responsibility for yourself. Many people are afforded opportunities and blessing that guide them on the path of success but the truth of the world is you are the only one responsible for you. Your own choices decide your fate. Other factors are undeniably critical but they do not determine whether you will or not will be successful in life. These two men demonstrate that you decide your own destiny. The author Wes Moore became a commissioned officer from Valley Forge Military College, graduate from Johns Hopkins University, became a Rhodes Scholar, a Captain in the United States Army, businessman, and a White House Fellow under Condoleezza Rice. He has so many accomplishments while the other Wes is serving a life sentence for felony murder. That is just a testament to the fact that no one can stand in a person’s way of achievement but themself. Works Cited Moore, Wes. The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates. New York: Spiegel Grau, 2010. Print. â€Å"Popular Quotes: The Meaning an History behind â€Å"He Who Opens a School Door, Closes a Prison. â€Å"† BookBrowse. com. N. p. , n. d. Web. 21 Sept. 2012. http://www. bookbrowse. com/quotes/detail/index. cfm? quote_number=247. How to cite The Other Wes Moore, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Enterprise Rent a Car free essay sample
The first market was the replacement market that targeted towards local customers in the Enterprise neighbourhood locations who needed rental cars as replacements while their cars were being serviced. Enterprise employees would often visit the referral sources such as the insurance agents and auto mechanics with gifts, thereby establishing a personal relationship between the local Enterprise branch and the referral source. Creating this environment of good will encouraged agents and body shop workers to continue to recommend Enterprise over other companies. Additionally, Enterprise rental rates were lower then rates of comparable rental companies due to location of its branch offices. Contrary to the normal practice, Enterprise had locations in the city and suburban areas instead of locating close to the airport. Although this may at first seem counterproductive, having these locations actually aided Enterprise substantially. The cost of property near the airport was much higher then property in more localized city areas. We will write a custom essay sample on Enterprise Rent a Car or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Enterprise would pass the savings from property and rent onto the customer, and was therefore able to offer lower rates with comparable or greater service. Careful maintenance of the rental cars allowed Enterprise to keep its rental cars for longer then standard for airport rental companies. The low turnover rate of vehicles generated savings for Enterprise, which was then passed to the customer in the form of lower rates. By running efficient operations with an emphasis on the personal relationships between businesses, Enterprise was able to differentiate itself from a crowded market as well as capture a large customer base previously untapped by airport rental companies. Another market that Enterprise was able to tap into was the â€Å"discretionary†or â€Å"leisure/vacation†sector. Many customers began renting cars for vacation purposes, whether it be a visiting relative or friend who required a vehicle, or a family who would rent a car for use instead of the family car. Local branches aided enormously in this area, making the process of renting a car a quick and convenient process. Finally, an important aspect of Enterprise’s business was the local corporate market. They began to offer vehicles to businesses. Economically, renting a vehicle for occasional use made more sense then owning and maintaining the same vehicle for a business. In this way Enterprise was able to offer entire fleets to business at lower cost, resulting in a win-win situation for both parties. In the same way, collages and universities turned to Enterprise for rental of large vehicles for functions such as sports teams or trips. By focusing on providing excellent customer service at low cost, Enterprise grew by its referral sources and word of mouth advertising. Enterprise became known for these qualities for business requiring rental car services. However, Enterprise now faces the challenge to grow against the fierce competition without losing its focus and corporate culture. -0 SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS The situation Enterprise faces is not uncommon in the business industry. None the less, it is important to understand the needs of the company and tailor a specific strategy towards it. Currently, Enterprise has two main customer bases: the individual customer, and business/organizations. The individual customer can be categorized based on their particular need: rental during automobile repair or for leisure/vacation. The people in both of these categories, although renting for different needs, will share many common characteristics. These customers value both low cost and excellent customer service. Providing both generates both branch loyalty and advertisement through word of mouth. On the other hand, business require the same service but on a much larger scale. Cost is the primary factor in the decision to outsource their entire transportation to a rental company. In this situation, businesses seek excellent service that integrates with their own operation successfully as well. By providing this service without disrupting their business dealings, companies are able to lower their costs by eliminating the ownership and maintenance costs of their own vehicles. Lack of brand awareness by public who have never used this type of service before †¢Inability to attract qualified college graduates †¢Lack of awareness about pick up service and localized offices †¢Lack of advertising resulting in reliance on word-of-mouth referral sources OPPORTUNITIES †¢Opportunity to fuel growth by attracting highly qualified college graduates †¢Addititional markets to tap in the car-rental business †¢Growing car rental market †¢Main market segment (replacement market) growing Strong financial base provides opportunities to expand business THREATS †¢Lack of brand image resulting in lower college graduate applicants and consumers †¢Increasing competition in home-city market from other companies †¢Negative image about working for a car rental company †¢Low brand awareness resulting in lower consumers/customer loyalty 2-2 CUSTOMER ANALYSIS Presently, Enterprise relies on its word of mouth advertising and excelle nt customer service for a large part of its business, with its target consumer as those who need a rental car for work, leisure, and repair.
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