Sunday, August 23, 2020
Blood Donation Essays
Blood Donation Essays Blood Donation Essay Blood Donation Essay In gathering procedures of American Marketing Association Services Special Interest Group, Helsinki Finland, June 7-9 Purpose While the Australian-Red-cross-Blood-administration has been powerful at procuring new youth benefactors, as of late the degree of consistency has declined. One explanation proposed for the absence of dependability is the passionate inner conflict made by the inspirational dispense among approach and maintain a strategic distance from intentions prompting deserting. Strategy This task investigated the inspirations and full of feeling evaluations of non-benefactors, beginner, experienced and slipped by Gene-Y blood givers. Reactions from 68 youthful Australians were picked up from twelve center gatherings. Juveniles Cent-Y contributors were sense of self as opposed to benevolently roused. Experienced contributors felt minimal inspirational clash, utilized subjective re-evaluation, amateur/passed benefactors experienced more significant levels and utilized enthusiastic concealment and control of the flippancy. Inside couldn't beat the significant levels of contention. Research-suggestions Further research needs to explore why the non-givers couldn't defeat the persuasive clash. The job of client worth and social capital could give valuable clarifications to this finding. Down to earth suggestions To urge Gene-Y to give blood, there should be acknowledgment of the non-charitable inspirations for gift to advise advertising systems. While Gene-Y need o help other people, if this comes at too high a value they are less inclined to ordinate. Social-ramifications This examination is basic to the arrangement of a maintainable blood flexibly in Australia. Without setting up an establishment of contributors among Gene-Y now there will be a lack of givers later on. Innovation This paper has distinguished another type of enthusiastic guideline; control of the workable and selfishness as opposed to unselfishness as an inspiration for blood gift.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Want and Marginal Places Free Essays
The Value of Marginal Places In the exposition â€Å"In Praise of Margins†by Ian Frazier, Frazier makes reference to that the world is where grown-ups will in general become involved with. They don't understand that what they need is that spot to breath. He says that minimal spots and exercises, when he was a child, were an exercise in futility, yet once he was more seasoned and saw his youngster have their minor â€Å"moment†playing, in the steam as opposed to angling, he understands the significance as a grown-up. We will compose a custom exposition test on Need and Marginal Places or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now He makes reference to that we as a whole have a spot as a kid that we might want to return and let go of every one of our duties. Frazier utilizes the word edge, this word Frazier utilizes, has a negative and positive tone and he clarifies the time spent in the forested areas. Frazier states that the meaning of edge is a clear space around a group of type or outskirt of a bit of ground. It’s descriptor importance has a negative tone to it; insignificant for prerequisites, practically inadequate. As Frazier utilizes negligible to depict what he did in the forested areas as a kid, he grew up to acknowledge how significant these â€Å"marginal†places had so much worth. As a little youngster Frazier, makes reference to â€Å"the woods†as spots where he and his companions would play at throughout the day. Investigating and perhaps be lost in the long stretches of fun they would have advertisement in particular, no concerns. Investigating things as they go playing along the trees, possibly being a type of character or activity legend from his time. As Frazier got somewhat more established he one day understood that his time spent in the forested areas was getting puerile and stupid. He inevitably quit setting off to this spot, as a kid was practically similar to a haven or a position of acknowledgment to be him-self unreservedly. When Frazier was in the seventh grade he came to asked himself â€Å"What would you say you are doing? †or possibly â€Å"why we are here? †He sees that a portion of his companions began to not dress fittingly to climb trees and play in light of the penny loafers the wore. I am certain this was for the young ladies they were attempting to dazzle as they get more established. As they had different things occurring in life that limited them from going in to the forested areas, and some way or another overlooked it they actually never chose to return and play. Yet, from my comprehension, in secondary school they returned to the forested areas one day, where they had this feeling of ‘’there is nothing here for us anymore†or â€Å"why did we burn through our time here as kids†. I am certain secondary school, young ladies and school moves had the recollections of â€Å"the woods†blurred somewhere down in their memory. They understood that they are altogether grown up and have no should be there. Frazier more likely than not suspected of all the adolescent silly things they did being in the forested areas for a considerable length of time, simply sitting around that they didn't know about or care for on the grounds that they were youngsters. I mean they didn’t have obligations as kids they didn’t need to work and take of others. I surmise that was the beneficial thing about negligible spots. For Frazier, when we took his kids to go angling, they kind of would not like to go angling and rather played in a jettison. Frazier didn't show some kindness to instruct them to stop; rather he understood this was a minimal spot his youngsters will one day grow up handed this dump over into a peripheral spot. Much the same as when Frazier was a youngster and didn't have the foggiest idea about this was a negligible spot he sees that with his children, and understands the benefit of having a minor escape. As I would like to think, I concur with Frazier’s thoughts that â€Å"marginal†exercises and places are important. Peripheral spots are likewise a method of improving oneself an individual. It’s a spot to think and unwind from the worlds’ needs and needs. Of the considerable number of spots on the planet everyone has their own minor territory. Mine so happens to be at Fontainebleau State Park in Mandeville, Louisiana. As a youngster my folks would get together the vehicle and head over the lake each Saturday if the climate allowed. This spot had a pool, strolling trail, grill pits and above all a sea shore, not a five star sea shore but rather to a multi year old it was. I would stroll along the shore where the water would meet the trees and I would imagine it was unfamiliar land. I despite everything return right up 'til the present time, month to month it’s still a similar inclination I get, a much needed refresher. This is the thing that Frazier needs individuals to think about having negligible places and doing exercises, they are not awful places, everybody needs a break from the a world that moves at quick pace. In Conclusion Frazier needs individuals to realize that having a touch of uninterrupted alone time is alright. Everybody has a break, regardless of whether on the off chance that it is an old spot as a child, an animation you use to watch or even the music you use to tune in to. Peripheral doesn't need to be in a negative use. Now and again like Frazier it really was great, kind of practically like a re-assessment of life and I am certain he doesn’t lament playing in the forested areas as a kid by any means. Ian Frazier looks to the forested areas as a protected and cheerful spot. I am certain he needs us to recall the minor spot we had as youngsters moreover. Step by step instructions to refer to Want and Marginal Places, Essay models
Friday, July 10, 2020
Topic Concerning Conscience: How Students Can Help Themselves
Topic Concerning Conscience: How Students Can Help ThemselvesIt is possible to help students grasp more about Shakespeare's Macbeth and his tragic story. The essay topic concerning conscience must be taken seriously, especially if the student knows that he or she is taking a final-year course. This will help students understand Shakespeare's words and appreciate Shakespeare's dramatic treatment of his characters. Additionally, they will be ready to learn how to take the most from Shakespeare's productions.One of the biggest challenges with the essay topic concerning conscience is that there are so many questions to answer. There are so many books, films and TV shows regarding the tragic character of Macbeth. When studying Shakespeare's Macbeth one will have to take a close look at both the play and the writer's interpretation of the character. The different ways the play is told are studied closely in this study. One of the most important questions when taking the topic concerning co nscience is: what does Shakespeare intend?A lot of the questions to answer concerning Shakespeare's Macbeth are one of perspective. For example, is Macbeth a good person, evil, a hero, a villain? These are all angles to investigate. This is one of the most important elements when studying Shakespeare's play.Students who take the topic concerning conscience regarding Macbeth will have to ponder what is meant by the actor's interpretation of the play. They will also have to consider what the question should actually be, and how to answer that question. The answers to these questions will help the student to learn more about what makes the characters in the play what they are.Another great idea for students to consider is to study what Shakespeare's audiences may have felt while watching Macbeth. This will help studentsto see what type of audience this Shakespeare play was viewed. Finally, students should take some time to determine why the play is so popular. Is it simply because it i s Shakespeare's best work? Or did he put a lot of thought into the play?Students who take the topic concerning conscience concerning Macbeth will have to consider why the audience, the actor, the audience and the writers all felt the way they did. This information can help them learn more about why their take on Macbeth is the best. Shakespeare's major themes and the emotional heights he reaches with his play make it very exciting. Students who take the topic concerning conscience should examine why the Macbeth character is as unique as he is. Students who take the subject of conscience, will likely come away with a much richer understanding of the play and of Shakespeare's characters.It is possible to help students study Shakespeare's Macbeth and learn more about his tragic characters. This can be done through a study of the different ways Shakespeare's plays are told, and an understanding of the different audience experiences.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Grapes Of Wrath By John Steinbeck - 1967 Words
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck is the story which takes place in a time where opportunity is nil and desperation has overtaken American en masse. The story is told several viewpoints with majority of them being witnessed from Tom Joad and his family while others are from minor characters who share a similar circumstance or actively benefiting from the misfortunes of others. Larger businesses are overtaking others and placing profits above people. The care and welfare for other human becomes a reduced commodity, as resources and choices dwindle with the infringement of inhuman corporations and the apathetic business men who run them. In the world of the Grapes of Wrath, the story is littered with instances of abuse, hunger, and placing profits and ownership of above fellow man. In the vacuum of opportunity and empathy on the part of the supposed captains of industry, common men become united in their misery and endeavors in struggling to survive. The Grapes of Wrath is a narra tive from the perspective of those who had been deprived of their basic needs for the sake of profits and sheer avarice. Much of the story details instances of callousness, greed, and is essentially a criticism of America’s Industrial revolution where these industries lacked many standards and authorities are often in the pockets of the wealthy. The lack of decency and empathy of the side of influential businesses contrasts and contradicts the demeanor of the lower classes where they all haveShow MoreRelatedThe Grapes Of Wrath By John Steinbeck Essay1622 Words  | 7 Pages The Grapes of Wrath John Steinbeck, widely viewed as one of the most finest and powerful American writer, born to a middle-class family in 1902 in the Salinas Valley of California. Steinbeck is a writer who often spoke for the people. The Grapes of Wrath is a great movie, published in 1939, filled with many universal truths and views on human nature and society, especially where class is concerned. In the article, John Steinbeck The Grapes a wrath: A Call to Action says, â€Å"Steinbeck’s novel showcasedRead MoreThe Grapes Of Wrath By John Steinbeck1075 Words  | 5 PagesKirsten Lloyd Mr. Eldridge AP Junior English 21 August 2014 Grapes of Wrath â€Å"Sometimes even to live is an act of courage.†(Seneca), In the 1939 novel, The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, the reader accompanies the Joad family as they struggle to escape the crippling Dust Bowl of the mid- 1930’s. In hopes of establishing a new life for themselves after being forced off their land the family embark on a journey from Oklahoma to California in search of fruitful crops and steady work alongRead MoreThe Grapes Of Wrath By John Steinbeck1563 Words  | 7 Pages John Steinbeck’s novel, The Grapes of Wrath, depicts a migrant farming family in the 1930s. During this time, life revolved around the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl, making circumstances difficult for almost everyone involved, especially those who had little. This time of drought and despair caused people to lose hope in everything they’ve ever known, even themselves, but those who did not, put their hope in the â€Å"promised land†of California. Here, the grass was thought to be truly greenerRead MoreThe Grapes Of Wrath By John Steinbeck1189 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"The Grapes of Wrath†Shortly after being released John Steinbeck’s book â€Å"The Grapes of Wrath†was banned because many critics viewed the novel as promoting communist propaganda, or socialist ideas. The ideas that many of these critics point to is Steinbeck’s depiction of the Big Banks/ Businesses as monsters, the comparison of Government camps to a utopia in contrast of the makeshift â€Å"Hoovervilles,†and the theme of the community before the individual, In his novel â€Å"The Grapes of Wrath†John SteinbeckRead MoreThe Grapes Of Wrath By John Steinbeck1093 Words  | 5 Pages In John Steinbeck s The Grapes of Wrath, Tom Joad and his family are forced from their home during the 1930’s Oklahoma Dust Bowl and set out for California along with thousands of others in search of jobs, land, and hope for a brighter future. The Grapes of Wrath is Steinbeck’s way to expound about the injustice and hardship of real migrants during the Depression-era. H e utilizes accurate factual information, somber imagery, and creates pathos, allowing readers connections to the Joad’s plightRead MoreThe Grapes Of Wrath By John Steinbeck1190 Words  | 5 PagesThe Grapes of Wrath April 14th, 1939, John Steinbeck published the novel, The Grapes of Wrath. The novel became an immediate best seller, with selling over 428,900 copies. Steinbeck, who lived through both the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl, sought to bring attention to how families of Oklahoma outdid these disasters. Steinbeck focuses on families of Oklahoma, including the Joads family, who reside on a farm. The Joad family is tested with hardship when life for them on their farm takesRead MoreThe Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck702 Words  | 3 PagesJohn Steinbeck’s use of the intercalary chapters in The Grapes of Wrath helps weave the reader’s sympathy of the Joad family into a more broad sympathy for the migrant farmers as a whole, in the hopes that the readers would then be compelled to act upon what they have read. During the Great Depression, people had a big disconnect about what was happening in various parts of the country. People often struggle to find sympathy for events when they can’t even visualize a person who is suffering throughRead MoreThe Grapes Of Wrath By John Steinbeck2144 Words  | 9 PagesThe Grapes of Wrath is a well-known beloved novel of American Literature, written by John Steinbeck and published in 1939. Whoever said a road is just a road has not read The Grapes of Wrath. From the time we read when Tom Joad, novel’s protagonist, returns home after four years in prison; the meaning of roads changed. Route 66, also known as the mother road the road of flight, was a lifeline road, which allowed thousands of families to pursue their hopes and dreams. This road is also the road thatRead MoreThe Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck1014 Words  | 5 PagesJohn Steinbeck’s novel, The Grapes of Wrath, was first written and later published in the 1939. Fr om the time of its publication to date, the exemplary yet a simple book has seen Steinbeck win a number of highly coveted awards including Pulitzer Prize in 1940 and later on Nobel Prize for Literature in 1962. Set at the time of the Great Depression, the book most remarkably gives a descriptive account of the Oklahoma based sharecropper Joad’ poor family in the light of economic hardship, homelessnessRead MoreThe Grapes Of Wrath By John Steinbeck1064 Words  | 5 PagesThe Grapes of Wrath, originated from a John Steinbeck’s book, a legendary film that focus on a major point of American history. The story follows the Joad family on their journey to California trying to survive the hardships. This film, focus on the social problems of America like the Dust bowl, The Great Depression, and industrialism. The Grapes of Wrath was filmed in a journalistic-documentary style, which displayed the realism of the epidemic in the thirties. The thirties the period The Grapes
Fundamentals of Collection Development †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Fundamentals of Collection Development. Answer: Introduction This report presents the critical analysis of roles and functions of managers in an organization. Additionally, it also discusses the challenges that may face by a manager at the time of performing their roles at the workplace. Moreover, it also demonstrates the structure of the organization. It also shows recommendation to overcome the challenges that are faced by the manager at the working place. BHP is a business entity of BHP Billiton Plc and BHP Billiton Limited which is previously recognized as BHP Billiton. It deals with an Anglo-Australian multinational public company such as mining, petroleum, and metals. It was established in 1885 which headquarters is in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. It was initiated in 2001 by the merger of Australian BHP (Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited) as well as Anglo-Dutch Billiton Plc. In the era of 2017, the high amount of previous resources of Billiton has been drawn out into south areas and it has started to rebrand itself as BHP. The matrix organizational structure can play a significant role in an organization. It can be supportive to make a link among various departments of employees for accomplishing an organization goal. Addition, it can be said that the matrix structure is a mixture of divisional and functional structures. Furthermore, the matrix structure can enable the organization to a combined various department like goods, consumers, and geographical location. Moreover, the small firm is created their knowledge about the advantages and disadvantages of the organizational matrix structure earlier executing in the business operation. The matrix structure can be beneficial to increase the motivation and effective data interchange (Griffin, 2013). The most benefit of executing the matrix organizational structure in the operation of the business can direct to an effective data interchange. Additional, the organizational matrix structure can support to work closely and directly communicate with each other too frequently solve problems. Effective ways of communication increase production and permit for prompt decision-making. For illustration, in the matrix organizational structure, employees of the different departments such as finance, research and development, and marketing could confer with each other before executing the strategies. The particular data interchange permits executives to react promptly regarding customer and organization needs (Certo, 2015). Increased Motivation The matrix structure enabled the employees to a democratic leadership style. Additionally, it can be said that the organizational matrix structure includes all member of the team before making a decision. Furthermore, it also provides the capacity to the organization for contributing valuable data to each department of the firm before decision making regarding the employee satisfaction and inspires the employees. In the matrix organizational each workforce gives the equal importance to share their views and opinion regarding decision making (Dumas, et al., 2013). The management roles and functions play a significant role to accomplish a specified task. In additionally, Garret Morgans metaphors categorize the roles and functions of the management. It is discussed as below: It is basic symbol and foundation of the Taylorism. Additionally, it can be said that the geometrically structuralist approach helps to identify the views and opinion of employees towards the organization. There are different types of departments that can be included by an organization like top-down, bottom-up, centralize, and decentralize (Hopkin, 2017). This section categorizes an organization function or roles as an organizational DNA, which considers some factors like Introduction, Maturity, and Death. It can also be supportive to develop the views and opinion regarding the organizational issue. In addition to this, it can also be said that it enabled the organization to exchange the ideas and information of employees towards the solution of issues of organization (Johnson, 2014). In this function, the organization is given the importance of culture before making any kinds of decision about the issues of the company. Furthermore, it can be said that culture metaphor direct impact on a company to increase the productivity in long-term. Therefore, an organization is mainly including the culture to improve the financial performance of an organization (Daft, et al., 2016). Organization as Intellectual Prison The organization can classify the roles and function of management by considering the intellectual prison. It can support to perform each activity of an organization in a logical way at the same time it can also enhance the productivity of a firm. Furthermore, the Intellectual prison can also help to accomplish the task of an organization in a systematic way. The organization can also categorize the management roles as a scheme of alteration and flux because it emphasized similar aspects of the company as an organism metaphor by the systematic way. It will help to improve the profitability of the business in the upcoming period. In addition, there are different components that are considered like notion stability, entropy, physics ideas, and dissipation. It can also enhance the market share of the company through appropriately deal with market risk (Too, et al., 2014). The management roles and responsibilities classified by power. Power is important factors that can directly influence the productivity of organization as well as employees. Additionally, when an organization used negative power then it can be caused of declining the performance of workforces. Besides this, the positive power of management can be supportive to inspire the employees regarding the accomplishment of organization goal in long term. Therefore, it can be said that power can be a significant factor for an organization (Verzuh, 2015). Management theory The management theory can be utilized by an organization to manage the issues of the organization in at working place. The Henry Feyol is important management theory in the working place. In addition, it can also be said there are different types of management theories that are discussed as below: Serial Number Theories Result 1 Classification of work It can help to categorize the work of an employee, which can also supportive to decline effort of employees. In addition, classification of work can gain the productivity of an employee. 2 Authority It will be supportive to provide the order. It cannot be considered in lack of responsibility. 3 Self-control Self-control can determine the relationship between organization and employees. It could be a major cause to influence the productivity of the firm. 4 Control One executive can lead the function of the organization. 5 Direction One main executive one plan for group actions to accomplish same objectives. 6 Different interest of employees In an organization, each individual has differed interest that can influence the working style at the workplace. It can create the complexity to accomplish the same task of an organization. Therefore, it can be said that it can also be a major issue for BHP limited (Maxwell, et al., 2017). 7 Compensation Compensation can be a significant factor for both organizations as well as the employee. In addition, the compensation should be appropriate for both workforces and corporate. 8 Centralisation It presents the degree of performance that can be relied on the size of corporate and quality of executives. 9 Scalar chain It supports to demonstrates the line of executives from the bottom level to top level. 10 Command It can show the place of employees. It means a right person at the right place. A right person can make command on the management function systematically. 11 Equity A mixture of harmony and justice about the employees. 12 Stability of occupancy of personnel Workforces requisites to be given a time period for making stability in the job. Therefore, managers can provide can provide a flexible and friendly environment for the sustainability of employees (Lussier 2011). 13 Creativity Each employee of an organization can show their creativity within limits of the organization. 14 esprit de corps Harmony can be imperative for a corporate to encourage the employees for teamwork. Henry Fayol developed the management theory of organization. It is used by the organization to forecast and plan, to establish, to control, to direct and to manage the activity of an organization. Henry Fayol provided many technology and concepts that will be used by the upcoming researchers named scalar chain, a division of labor, centralization, and unity of command (Shockley, 2014). Impact of cultural values, ethics, diversity in the organization Values play a crucial role in a company to make an appositive image in the market. It defines an image as unified sets of administrative values which orient their team members, direct their prospects and division activities. In addition to this, it can also be said that an effective value of an organization can enable to increase the creativity, efficiency, and productivity in long-term (Feng, et al., 2013). Ethics can also a vital component for an organization as well as employees because it directs influence the productivity. Ethics can be the moral principle which governs the employee behavior. Ethics can influence both small as well as the large organization. The unethical behavior of an organization of can declines the financial condition of the company in long term. While the ethical behavior of the company can easily attract a large number of customers in long-term. At the same time, it can also be said that different organizations have a different set of ethics standard. There are some components that can be common for all the organization such as psychology, law, and law (Rainer, et al., 2014). Diversity also influences the performance of the organization. At the same time, it can be said that the diversity can create problem to complete the task of the company in long-term. In this case, the company can use effective strategy to improve the diversity issues together with inspiring the employees for feeling comfortable at the working place. It also provides an equal chance to each employee without any biases to contribute their roles and responsibility in the working place (Thomas, et al., 2017). SWOT analysis Strengths Well-build position in market as it can earn high return Sound financial condition and diversified stream of revenues Marketing is developed centrally through CSGs Recognized revenue stream and sound financial condition Sound international brand recognition Well-built employees with more than 45,000 workers One of leading mining as well as petroleum corporations Involvement in CSR activity improves the brand image Weaknesses Intervention of government may decline the operational efficiencies Previous cases of incidents can also lead to criticism Opportunities Opportunity to acquire the associated smaller corporations Development of operation in copper as well as coal Liaison with other international corporations. Threats lessening demand for exports in some nations due to well-built domestic production High rivalry Role, behavior, and performance of managers within that organization There are different kinds of activities that are performed by manages of BHP Billiton are discussed as below: The manager can support each employee in their day to day activities to accomplish the business objective systematically. It also clarifies the roles and responsibilities of employees about their performance at working place. It also documents the performance of employees to provide appropriate compensation and make a career It provides training and development to improve the skills and learning activities of employees. It also makes an effective documentation for legal purpose along with mitigating the disputes at the working place (Jones, et al., 2015). Recommendation to improve Management should provide constructive and clear feedback to their employees regarding the policy of the organization. As a result, it will be supportive to accomplish the task in specified time and cost. In addition to this, management should also communicate with employees about their roles and responsibilities along with objectives of project and norms. Consequently, it can mitigate the complexity of work issues as well as an effort at the same time support to increase the efficacy of employees in long-term. Management should also offer fair compensation for inspiring the employees towards the accomplishment of the organizational goal. Along with this, management should also inspire the employees by using reward scheme and sustain them for long-term (Donate, et al., 2015). References Certo, S. (2015).Supervision: Concepts and skill-building. UK: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Daft, R. L., Marcic, D. (2016).Understanding management. UK: Nelson Education. Donate, M. J., de Pablo, J. D. S. (2015). The role of knowledge-oriented leadership in knowledge management practices and innovation.Journal of Business Research,68(2), 360-370. Dumas, M., La Rosa, M., Mendling, J., Reijers, H. A. (2013).Fundamentals of business process management(Vol. 1, p. 2). Heidelberg: Springer. Feng, D., Siu, W. C., Zhang, H. J. (Eds.). (2013).Multimedia information retrieval and management: Technological fundamentals and applications. Berlin: Springer Science Business Media. Griffin, R. W. (2013).Fundamentals of management. USA: Cengage Learning. Hopkin, P. (2017).Fundamentals of risk management: understanding, evaluating and implementing effective risk management. USA: Kogan Page Publishers. Johnson, P. (2014).Fundamentals of collection development and management. USA: American Library Association. Jones, G., George, J. (2015).Contemporary management. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Lussier, R. (2011).Management Fundamentals: Concepts, applications, skill development. USA: Cengage Learning. Maxwell, P. S., Eklf, J. S., van Katwijk, M. M., O'Brien, K. R., de la Torre?Castro, M., Bostrm, C., ... van der Heide, T. (2017). The fundamental role of ecological feedback mechanisms for the adaptive management of seagrass ecosystemsa review.Biological Reviews,92(3), 1521-1538. Rainer, R. K., Prince, B., Watson, H. J. (2014).Management Information Systems. USA: Wiley Publishing. Shockley-Zalabak, P. (2014).Fundamentals of organizational communication. UK: Pearson. Thomas, D. C., Peterson, M. F. (2017).Cross-cultural management: Essential Concepts. USA: Sage Publications. Too, E. G., Weaver, P. (2014). The management of project management: A conceptual framework for project governance.International Journal of Project Management,32(8), 1382-1394. Verzuh, E. (2015).The fast forward MBA in project management. USA: John Wiley Sons.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
The Mexican War Essays - Presidency Of James K. Polk,
The Mexican War The Mexican War The United States in 1846 was not justified in going to war with Mexico. The United States did not have proper justification to respond with violence against the Mexican government. The war with Mexico was also a product of the United States' belief of manifest destiny. Polk's over ambition to seize new territory from the Mexicans and disappointment over their refusal to sell him California also possibly played a factor in his willingness to wage war against Mexico. The United States under the leadership of president Polk clearly provoked Mexico into attacking US troops. All these reasons show that the US had no business starting a war with Mexico for territory that was rightfully theirs. The war with Mexico came at a time when much of the country had strong feelings of manifest destiny. Manifest destiny is the belief that fate had preordained the US to expand from the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans and from Canada to the Rio Grande river. This idea which was coined by John O' Sullivan was very popular in the 1840's. This ideal had strong influence and was one reason that their was so much popular support for the US expansion west. This ideal while nationalistic did not give us the right to go into Mexico and seize land which was rightfully theirs in the first place. They had the right to expel any US citizens that were living on their country's land especially if they where not abiding by their laws. This alone makes even the annexation of Texas not completely just. The US vision of manifest destiny helped to win the public's support for the Mexican war. Yet the public was misled by this sense of manifest destiny and those that did support it supported an unjust war. President Polk during his presidency lusted for more land than the country had ever before controlled. Not only did he capture Texas but also California and Oregon. While attempting to gain California through peaceful means he sent John Slidell to Mexico City to offer the Mexicans up to $25million dollars for California yet this offer was rejected by the Mexicans as insulting. This led Polk to frustration and his willingness to try backhanded and sneaky new ways to get the Mexicans to give him the territories that he desired. This showed that Polk was consumed with greed for new territory. He no longer cared how he claimed his no territory. Polk was consumed with a need to make his campaign promises a reality and to make the prophecy of manifest destiny a reality. His greed for land is evident in his behind the back tactics that he attempted to employ against the Mexicans. He also was seeking a form of revenge for the deaths at the Alamo and the refusal of his proposal to buy California from the Mexicans. Polk was so greedy for land that he was willing to risk blood shed and death of his citizens for revenge against the rejection of a proposed treaty and his want for manifest destiny. Quite possibly the strongest of all reasons that the US was unjust in going to war with Mexico in 1846 was that the US forces were in the disputed territory too purposely insight the Mexicans into starting the conflict so the US would look like they were the good guys in the incident. The US troops were commanded to cross over the Nueces river to the banks of the Rio Grande. This was a move to get the Mexicans to attack US troops on land that was claimed by both countries. This did not work out as planned at first and the Mexicans wouldn't attack. This worried Polk so he went to his cabinet. He told them on May 9, 1846 that he was to propose to congress that he wanted them to declare war on Mexico on the grounds that one: unpaid claims and two: Slidell's rejection. These reasons were flimsy at best. But luckily for Polk word of the blood shed he had been waiting for arrived that evening. His cry for war was quickly echoed in congress and soon the declaration of war was passed. Yet this provoked attack was unjust and should have been seen as such by the US congress. This was clearly an act of aggression that was provoked by the US. To conclude the United States was unjust in its declaration of war on Mexico in 1846. The US was clouded with dreams of Manifest Destiny. It had a president that was obsessed with fulfilling
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
5 Ways to Network with
5 Ways to Network with 5 Ways to Network with 5 Ways to Network with By Mark Nichol readers often ask us about our presence on social networks, so in this post, we provide details about how to interact with DWT and with other people who care about how they communicate. 1. Find us on Facebook, at There, you will see links to posts and can check out comments by other readers. (Please like our page if you haven’t already done so!) 2. Follow us on Twitter, at All posts are published on our Twitter stream, so if you follow us, you can link to them through our tweets. 3. Add us to your Google+ circles to stay up to date on our posts and possibly to join us on future hangouts. 4. If you’d like to ask a question about a post or respond to the post perhaps you have an additional example or another good strategy to share with others submit a comment at the bottom of the post. 5. If you have a suggestion for a post topic, or a question unrelated to a post, our email address is (However, if you have a question or a thought about a particular post, it’s better to comment, because then thousands of other readers can see what you have to say, too, and perhaps respond to your note.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:When to use "on" and when to use "in"Abstract Nouns from Adjectives45 Idioms with "Roll"
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Biography of Emmanuel Kant Essay Example for Free
Biography of Emmanuel Kant Essay Known by many in the field as the father of modern philosophy, Immanuel Kant questioned many of the assumptions held in his day. He focused much of his work on the realm of human thought, understanding, and potential. His ideas about observation, learning, and experientialism set the precedent for all philosophers who followed him. Born in the early 1720s, Kant lived in what was known as East Prussia (now a part of Kaliningrad, Russia). There, he was able to secure a teaching position for nearly ten years when he began working at Konigsberg University. He would remain a part of their staff for nearly five decades contributing to the rise and popularity of philosophy of the day. Not much more is known about Kant’s earlier life. He did go on to having several of his pieces published, although none were an exact autobiography. In his Critique of Pure Reason, he discussed and raised interesting points about human knowledge. Instrumental on Kant’s own ideas was the work of philosopher David Hume, who agreed that human experience could be used for understanding, but that it should not be used to explain every phenomena we encounter in nature or in the real world. Kant built upon this idea. He stated that new experiences could be formulated based on past experiences because it our past that helps us learn about our future. He believed that the human mind organized events and ideas into categories that could be accessed later to determine how we might react in a certain experience. He came up with the word to describe the paradox of understanding: noumena. Kant’s own arguments about the existence of God were also not well accepted at his time. He believed that man could not rationalize God because it was not something that we had experienced before. In other words, we might be able to attribute certain characteristics to Him, but it is ultimately limited by our own human understanding of the universe. In essence, we could never come close to truly understanding who God is and predict what He is going to do. |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |. Biography of Emmanuel Kant. (2016, Nov 16).
Thursday, February 13, 2020
MBA Operation Management Problemsolving Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
MBA Operation Management Problemsolving - Essay Example b) The lower capital intensity of the mentioned type of firms is explained by the stability of working processes when serving a focus customer. Crews do not need retraining because they do the same thing, for the same customer, all of the time. The machinery factor is also to be regarded: for example, the folding and gluing machine at Focus Packaging handles only one size box, so it never has to be reset. The press stops only to install a new roll of the thin cardboard on which it prints [12]. a) The necessity of the firms with a product focus to plan production and inventory levels further into the future is explained by the vitality of the production plan and inventories for successful supply chain management. It is necessary to plan thoroughly the production basing on the demand forecasts and according to this to make up the corresponding inventories. For the firms with focused production it is especially essential, because their performance depends on demands of particular customers, or one major customer [12]. b) All the above mentioned relates also to the necessity to have more formalized supplier relationships. ... b) All the above mentioned relates also to the necessity to have more formalized supplier relationships. In order for the firm to secure the manufactured product's future sale it is essential to develop clear terms of supplier/customer relationship and validate it formally. c) The low level of inventory accumulation at the work-in-process stage is explained by the simplified scheme of supply chain affording to avoid the overloading of the warehouses by unsold goods (the firm knows more or less precisely what number of goods it should produce). Describe four multi-plant location strategies The four principal location approaches are as follows: Land Use - optimal agricultural land uses based on transport costs to market; optimal distances of residential and commercial land uses from CBD; Industrial Location / Production Orientation - transport-cost minimizing location, profit maximization, optimal combination of inputs & optimal level of production at optimal location (allowing for scale economies and substitutability at any one level of production); Central Places / Market Areas - optimal market areas choosing; Spatial Competition - optimal response in the face of locational competition [11]. Why Colgate Palmolive, and not Campbell Soup be concerned about NAFTA The North American Free Trade Agreement, known usually as NAFTA, is a free trade agreement among Canada, the United States, and Mexico [7]. Colgate-Palmolive Company (NYSE: CL) is a multinational corporation in the business of the provision of products such as soaps, detergents, and oral hygiene products such as toothpaste and toothbrushes. Under its "Hill's" brand, it is also a manufacturer of veterinary products [3]. Campbell Soup Company
Saturday, February 1, 2020
How would you evaluate the preformance of a bank using piblished Essay
How would you evaluate the preformance of a bank using piblished accounting data . What other data would you use in this evaluation - Essay Example (Srinivasan, 2009). Financial ratio analysis is considered as one of the most important tools that are being used to evaluate the performance of any bank. It is important to note that the financial ratios for a bank are slightly different as compared to the typical ratio analysis for any manufacturing firm. Due to this basic difference, there are some additional ratios that are being computed for evaluating the basic performance of a bank. These ratios include net profit margin, provision for loan losses, loans to assets, capital adequacy etc which are computed in order to provide a deeper insight into the overall financial performance of any bank. This paper will discuss as to how the performance of a bank is evaluated and what are some of the tools including financial ratio analysis which can be used to effectively evaluate the performance of the bank and the type of data required to make such an analysis. Financial Ratio analysis is one of the leading tools that are being used to evaluate the performance of a bank. These are common sets of financial ratios that are used to compute various financial indicators and by making either trend analysis or industry comparison, the overall performance of the bank can be evaluated. These ratios are: Return on assets is computed by dividing the net income earned by the Bank with its total assets. This is an important ratio because it informs us about the overall efficiency of the bank’s assets i.e. how the total assets of the bank are used by the management in producing the desired results for its shareholders. Return on assets is also considered important ratio because it can be a better judge of the overall efficiency of the bank’s management i.e. if return on assets is low it can indicate that the overall management efficiency in utilizing the assets of the firm is not entirely up to the satisfaction and management shall improve its practices and internal
Friday, January 24, 2020
The Destruction of Macbeth Essay -- Macbeth essays
The Destruction of Macbeth    In the beginning of the play, The Tragedy of Macbeth, Macbeth is merely a nobleman and a Scottish general in King Duncan's army. Macbeth later becomes the deserving Thane of Glamis and Cawdor and the undeserving King of Scotland (Dominic 255). In the beginning Macbeth is a man with good intentions and a good heart; sometimes he just has a hard time following his good instincts and heart. Macbeth's ambition and the persuasion of his wife lead him to commit several horrible deeds. Macbeth is brave, good-hearted, disobeying, easily persuaded, overly-ambitious, and literal-minded and unimaginative (Scott 281).     Throughout the play, Macbeth is a character who shows extreme bravery. The reader can see his bravery through his efforts and victories on the battle field. The Captain speaks of Macbeth's bravery when he is describing Macbeth's triumph over Macdonald and his strong forces, "But all's too weak,/For brave Macbeth - well he deserves that name-/Disdaining Fortune, with his brandished steel/Which smoked with bloody execution,/Like Valour's minion carved out his passage" . . .(I.i.5). The captain then goes on to tell how Macbeth and Banquo fought successfully through an assault of fresh Norwegian troops. Macbeth is obviously a loyal general who fights hard and with courage for his country. Macbeth displays his bravery when he kills Duncan and Duncan's two guards. Killing someone is in itself a brave act. In order to actually go through with the act of murdering somebody takes much courage. Murdering a person is an act which requires bravery to commit, but it also requires bra very to face the consequences if one is caught. Another instance of Macbeth's bravery is when Macbeth fights... ...l him. Just because three witches tell Macbeth of his future, does not mean it is a true prophesy (Scott 281).     All in all, Macbeth is a good man who is too easily persuaded by his wife to commit several awful deeds. Macbeth's ambition and disobedience gets him killed. It is true that Macbeth is given a prophesy to be King, and it is true that pressure is applied by his wife, but his ambition is what kills him in the end. Macbeth is a brave, good hearted man, who possesses a weak mind which allows his ambition and the persuasion of his wife to lead him down the wrong paths, ultimately leading to his destruction.  Works Cited Dominic, C. Catherine. Shakespeare's Characters for Students. Detroit - New York - Toronto - London: Gale Research, 1997. Scott, W. Mark, ed. Shakespeare for Students. Detroit - Washington, D.C.: Gale Research, 1992.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Intercultural Communication in the Workplace Essay
Good morning, dobry den, dobry den, Guten Tag, bonjour, buenos dias, these are examples of my native Slovak and five other languages that I can partly understand and speak. I used to think this was a significant number, but I found that there were approximately 4000 languages spoken in the world. It is obvious that we could spend the whole life studying foreign languages and never master all of them. So how do we overcome this barrier? The next part will give a complete summary of the possible solutions according to three authors and will also include my own reflections. The most comprehensive approach to the topic can be found in the book titled â€Å"Intercultural communication in the global workplace†by Linda Beamer and Iris Varner. Linda Beamer is a full professor in the Department of Marketing at California State University, Los Angeles where she teaches marketing courses as well as business communication, intercultural communication and many others. Iris Varner is a professor in the Department of Management and Quantitative Methods, College of Business at Illinois State University, where she teaches the cultural environment of international business. Varner is the author of numerous articles in the area of intercultural managerial communication, and she is also president of the Association for Business Communication. The whole chapter in the book is dedicated to the role of language in the intercultural communication. They believe that language and culture are shaping each other and are intertwined. They show that identical words can have different meanings in different cultures. â€Å"Both the French and the Americans use the word force majeure, but the phrase carries very different meanings. Literally the term means superior or irresistible force. In U. S. legal language, the term refers generally to forces of nature or possible war. The implications are that the terms of a contract may be changed because the risk was not allocated in either the expressed or implied terms of the contract. In European law the term has a broader meaning. It also includes changes in the economic conditions or other circumstances that were not reasonably anticipated when the contract was drawn up. The implication is that when Americans make agreements with Europeans that include discussions of unforeseen circumstances and use the term force majeure, they need to clarify what they mean and spell out what that term covers†(Beamer, Varner, 2008, para. 6). According to Beamer and Varner following points may help in communicating with non-native speakers: Enunciate, speak slowly, avoid slang and colloquialism, be careful about jokes, be sincere, be culturally sensitive, and keep a sense of humor (Beamer, Varner, 2008)Speaking clearly and slowly is helpful. Avoiding slang is necessary because unless the speaker has lived in the country for a long time, there is small chance that he or she will understand. The problem with jokes is that they do not translate well and if they have to be accompanied by lengthy explanations, they usually lose their funniness. Being sincere, culturally sensitive, and keeping sense of humor also affects communication in the positive way. On the other hand, I personally prefer new phenomenon called â€Å"World English†that is described in the work of two authors. According to Smith, â€Å"The geographical spread of English is unique among the languages of the world, throughout history. Countries using English as either a first or a second language are located on all five continents, and the total population of these countries amounts to about 49% of the world’s population†(Smith, 2006). He recognizes six types of World English: US English, Canadian English, Australian, New Zealand English, South African English, Indian English, and West Indian English (Smith, 2006).
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Writing News Public Lending Rights is Being Transferred to the British Library
Public Lending Rights, or PLR, is an interesting initiative which allows authors to receive regular payments according to PLR legislation for every occasion when their books are loaned by public libraries. The fact that it is being transferred to the British Library can hardly be called news – after all, it has been announced by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) in March that the PLR will no longer exist as an independent organization and will become part of the British Library. However, the very act of transfer was completed only on 1 October 2013. What does it entail for those who have already contributed their books to PLR? Actually, not that much. The team that worked on PLR remains intact and was transferred to the British Library along with the initiative. In future it will most likely work in about the same fashion as before. Payments will still be made annually, on the basis of loans data received from the British public libraries. The reason for the transfer is pretty simple – DCMS decided to reduce the number of publicly funded organizations and transferred the Registrar of Public Lending Right to another publicly funded body. This will, in the long run, allow them to save on PLR’s maintenance and improve its functioning. In fact, there will not even be any noticeable change in management – all the operations of the PLR will be still administered from the current PLR offices in Stockton-on-Tees. The same goes for payments – they will be done in the same way as always. The next Irish and UK PLR Statements will be posted in November 2013 and January 2014 correspondingly. If you have contributed to a book which is currently lent out by public libraries in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, it is probably a good idea to register for the PLR scheme. If you have already applied for it, you don’t have to do anything – all the current registrations will remain unchanged and the changes in management won’t affect those who receive payments according to the PLR policies. The staff encourages both the current and potential participants of the PLR scheme to address all their queries to the same office: 1st Floor, Richard House, Sorbonne Close, Stockton-on-Tees TS17 6DA. The only change will be in e-mail and website addresses of the scheme.
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